Gary Johnson is left fuming as Martin nets his Isle of Man TT seat
Ricky Offline

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RE: Gary Johnson is left fuming as Martin nets his Isle of Man TT seat
Not good this, not good at all for a neutral, or for the sport in general.

I cant stand Guy's " Im only a truck fitter" routine, its nonsense, but Johnsons joined him by this "mentally destroyin" rubbish as well.

Surely Gaz has had contact with Smiths since he won a TT for them last year. Maybe asked for a bit too much for a bit too much this year? who knows.

The Johnson fans will talk about the 2 TT wins, against Guys none, but how many times has Guy "mentally destroyed" Gaz on a superbike!

Discuss TT fans.
26-02-2015, 06:35 PM
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RE: Gary Johnson is left fuming as Martin nets his Isle of Man TT seat - by Ricky - 26-02-2015, 06:35 PM

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