Enough is Enough
Malcolm Offline

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Enough is Enough
It is with a heavy heart but a head that tells me I am correct in doing so, that I have to inform all of you that I am no longer prepared keep this Forum alive in the Public domain in it's present format, due to the circumstances that I am being subjected to.

14+ years of relatively trouble free operation, yet in the past few months the issues that I have had to face on a daily basis have escalated to a point where I am no longer prepared to tolerate it.

A variety of reasons have brought me to this conclusion, including:-

People who are intent upon abusing this facility by way of totally ignoring a basic code of decency.

People who believe that they have the God given right to use and abuse this facility as and how they like, once they have gained registration.

People who are intent upon "hiding" behind false names, false email addresses and proxy servers to gain registration.

People who do not have the common decency to provide the information that is requested at the time of registration and think it smart to use offensive Log-In names, and to use comments such as "Here" for Location, and "Can't be Arsed" when requested to provide some basic information about themselves.

People, who once registered, just simply do not bother their backside to even read, far less take any notice of the guidelines provided by way of the Terms & Conditions that are accessible from practically every main sector of the Forum, and when reminded that they have acted in a manner that is contrary to said T&C's, only revert to abuse and a "Get Lost"  attitude.

People who have made comments within their posts without checking the truthfulness of such comments, (most of which I have been able to moderate/alter and/or delete), however some resulting in emails being received informing me of potential litigation action being taken against the Forum and myself in addition to the person who has made such comments.

People who have been banned from the Forum previously  for actions that have been contrary to the T&C's of the Forum and who re-apply or send private emails wanting to know why they have been banned and using foul and abusive language in their emails.

People who get angry and transmit abusive PM's and Emails whenever their posts have been moderated and/or deleted.

People who totally ignore PM's and Emails advising them of actions that have been taken regarding their posts or content, which have been unacceptable for a variety of reasons and thereafter simply continue without any change in their behaviour.

People who have openly contacted me on my private email address, and tell me that irrespective of whatever ban I have imposed upon them, they are going to take the necessary steps to make sure that they gain access to the Forum by hook or by crook at some point in the future.

The amount of time that I am having to spend policing the Forum in it's entirety from point of registration through all of the checks that have to be carried out on each and every registration not only to prevent SPAM and Hackers attempting to infiltrate the Forums, but also for the re-application of previously banned offenders. This takes most of the day time hours and most often way into the dark hours every single day of the week.

However, the most serious and most offensive act that has "Broken the Camels back" so to speak, is the series of abusive emails that I have received recently, culminating in seriously abusive language and the veiled threat of physical violence against me.

I am now proceeding to take the necessary steps to contact the Internet Service Providers concerned, (after the Police Crime Reference number is obtained), for them to take their own in-house action, as what has transpired is contrary to the Terms & Conditions for using their service, and further, as the actions are clearly contrary to the Telecommunications Act, I am taking the relevant action to have that invoked as far as it is possible to do so.

So, I am sorry folks, but I am not going to have myself subjected to this totally unacceptable behaviour from anyone, and it is very clear, that yet again, the minority have destroyed it all, for the benefit of the many.

I will withdraw the Posting access for everyone who is registered on the Forum database in the very near future, however will leave the Forum as a read only facility as there is far too much history attached to these Forums for them to disappear forever.

I shall continue myself to update the main section of TTwebsite with Press Releases and relevant information on the Teams and Events as previous. however in a few days from now, (Wednesday the 17th of June), there will be no interaction on the forums for ANY forum registrants.
(This post was last modified: 17-06-2015, 02:02 PM by Malcolm.)
17-06-2015, 12:54 PM
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Enough is Enough - by Malcolm - 17-06-2015, 12:54 PM

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