how about this one?

Re: how about this one?
John, you should be absoultely ashamed of yourself.
Bob Steele was one the greatest Scottish riders of his, and your Dad's time. Ask Alan D...he was concurrent with Big Jock Findlay, and was Scottish champion many times.
Wee Bob was a star, and game for a go at anything, including a lot of sidecar passengering, mainly with John Graham or Crawford Martindale.
Bob was tough as old boots. I remember when I was taking photographs trackside at the Knockhill hairpin and Bob came off heavily. He had clearly broken his collarbone, and when I asked how he felt he replied, "bit jaggy, ken, bit jaggy!" (translation on application!)
Another time, at Kirkcaldy, Martin Poole and myself were at the Gardeners Cottage at Kirkcaldy, no marshalls about. Bob fell off on an early lap. He seemed a bit shaken and we tried to persuade him not to go he went, only to fall again a few laps later. Once more he remounted and went on to win. Afterwards he swore he could only remember coming off once.
Sadly, Bobby died of cancer many years ago. Still miss his cheery, breezy prescence, but he and big Jock are no doubt fairing bashing in the heavenly GP as we speak.
13-09-2003, 04:56 PM

Messages In This Thread
how about this one? - by Anonymous - 13-09-2003, 03:30 PM
Re: how about this one? - by Anonymous - 13-09-2003, 04:56 PM
Re: how about this one? - by Anonymous - 14-09-2003, 12:08 AM
Re: how about this one? - by Anonymous - 14-09-2003, 10:00 PM

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