Why do they make plans on the strength of a weather forecast?
maybolezx12r Offline

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RE: Why do they make plans on the strength of a weather forecast?
Its the old scenario though isn`t it you cancel racing because the forecast and everyones up in arms as the rian wasn`t as bad as forecasted or you go ahead with the racing disregarding the forecast and there is a rider killed due to the conditions.The CoC has a massive desision to make and there decision if final,thats it.

As a marshal myself it can be frustrating sitting up on the mountain and there being very little action but the odd Subaru going by but what can you do???Not a lot...........

As Michael Dunlop says "It is what it is ,nothing more ,nothing less"


Mountain Marshal from 2013 Icon_biggrin
03-09-2015, 10:13 AM
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RE: Why do they make plans on the strength of a weather forecast? - by maybolezx12r - 03-09-2015, 10:13 AM

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