Junk Mail

Junk Mail
I have just returned fron holiday to more than 3000 e-mails, mostly the most appalling junk you could imagine...........Thankfully my latest spam filter has relocated the worst, (The Spambin) but isn't it making this whole precious system a mockery.

I remember all the fun and practical use we had with CB radio when it was "Illegal" and was unlicensed...When it was made legal it burnt itself out with all the mess that came on the airwaves...........

There was a vey active Douglas CB club on the Island and a notso active one up in Ramsey.

They jhelped us the plot the progress of Doug Randall, our rider, in the early 80's, with CB radios at set places on the course, manned by enthusiasts..........AND it worked !! This was long before the mobile phone !!!

Is there anyone out their who was a CB'er and used it in motor cycle racing ??? I know that after we had tried it, a number of riders had it, Nigel Rollason was one for instance...I had a site at Windy Corner and could chat back to the Grandstand from there....

Good Days, Good Memories.........

Finally because I was away, I missed an item on e-bay, a 7" record dedicated to Mike Hailwood..
Had I been in the UK I would have bid for it....

Has anyone a copy in their collection please, and a copy they would either sell to me or send me a tape of it....

Please help

Now there's a few topice for you to answer ??

27-09-2003, 10:05 AM

Messages In This Thread
Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 27-09-2003, 10:05 AM
Re: Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 27-09-2003, 10:13 AM
Re: Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 27-09-2003, 01:34 PM
Re: Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 27-09-2003, 06:39 PM
Re: Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 27-09-2003, 07:48 PM
Re: Junk Mail - by Anonymous - 28-09-2003, 12:09 AM

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