Riders health news (it was: News on rider)

Riders health news (it was: News on rider)
Graham Moore in a past message asked news about two riders health's condition.

Well, the first is Baldassarre Monti. He went out at Sarah's cottage during 1994 TT practices -he was a newcomer and was racing a Ducati (Monster?) machine. Sadly, actually he still has big psycho-motor problems. He is not the man he was before the crash.

Then you speak about Toni Bosman. He crashed during 2003 wednesday evening paractices. About him the TT bulletin said: Tony Bosman crashed at Westwood Corner, on the approach to Michael Village, and received suspected major injuries.

Yes, also I would like to have fresh news about his health conditions after one year from his terrible accident. I remember that someone feared the possibility of legs's amputation. Is Toni a relative to the poor Helene Bosman?
03-05-2004, 02:16 PM

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Riders health news (it was: News on rider) - by Anonymous - 03-05-2004, 02:16 PM

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