One to Ponder

One to Ponder
Heres an interesting thought ( i think ), If all the top teams got their way and the TT was reduced to a long weekend , i think thats what Neil Tuxworth wants and as a result 90% of the real TT fans stopped comong to the Island , the IOM goverment as a result said this is not really worth the effort and canned the whole thing.

This is the Question , would the top teams give a flying fig?
18-06-2004, 10:02 AM

Re: One to Ponder
This is one of the points raised now they have dropped the smaller classes. They seem to forget it is the independants who have always keep the TT going. Whilst the big teams have alot of say without the smaller teams the field would be none existant. The TT and the manx are endurance events which need to be planned around work time etc. if it was cut down to a weekend riders might not bother as the time to prepare the bikes out weighs the short time on the island
18-06-2004, 11:00 AM

Re: One to Ponder
It is like trying to hold the Tour de France on a weekend, or reducing Le Mans to 2 hours. Or dropping the Marathon from the Olympic Games because it takes too long.
As you say they are the ministers of someone else's misfortune - but we are not going to let them!!

18-06-2004, 11:23 AM

Re: One to Ponder
18-06-2004, 08:08 PM

Re: One to Ponder
I too traditionally book for the following year whilst on the island, but did not do so this year for numerous reasons. The main one is the cost of the fortnight. The second one was the actions of the Maniac Minority frightening both me and my wife to death with their lack of roadsense and consideration for others. I cover in excess of 20,000 miles per year on my bike, both commuting in heavy traffic, as well as country lane pleasure runs. Never before have I been overtaken in stupid places so often, or pushed out of the way by overtakers who suddenly decide that they can not complete the manouver. I stopped pleasure riding on the Island after Monday as it was no longer a pleasure. The third reason is I cannot see any pleasure in watching 600 and 1000cc road bikes (which look identical) racing round every race day, because apart from the sidecars, that is what the entry will consist of next year. If you nod off in the sunshine you will have to consult your programme to decide which race you are watching. I first attended in 1968 when every class was distinct. I think the Manx Grand Prix is the logical option, we will wait and see.
23-06-2004, 11:25 AM

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