TT tourist board feed back

TT tourist board feed back
26-07-2004, 11:35 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
What was your particular gripe about?
27-07-2004, 09:09 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
My "particular gripe" was about the combination of extra high prices at TT coupled with rubbish service bordering on abuse!
In an age where mst companies have to compete on price and service, IOMSPC Ltd, do not.
These comments were aimed at the IOM government through david Cretney, but he side stepped them in passing the email on..


27-07-2004, 09:37 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Yes I know all of that, what I was wondering was what the "rubbish service bordering on abuse" was about.
I've boosted their monopoly profits for many a year, but I can't say I've ever had cause to complain about the service from the people at the sharp end, I just wondered what your experience was.
At the end of the day, like they said, it's all about supply and demand.
rubbish I know, but as Homer said, what're you gonna do?
27-07-2004, 09:56 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Are you telling me that all of your crossings have been "no hassle?"
Myabe I have just been unlucky!

You are right, of course, not much I CAN
do about it.
BUT, my point in writing to david Cretney was to let him know that we are not happy about being ripped off.
Its like so many things these days.
All we CAN do is to whinge!!


27-07-2004, 02:37 PM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Never had any problems that I can think of, apart from once with a car driver.
Unfortunately unless EVERYONE boycotted the ferry (and that's not going to happen) then they have us by the S&Cs.
All you can do is voice your disapproval and then calm down and preserve your blood pressure.
Maybe if everyone witheld their payment past the end of March then it might possibly have some effect, but again that's not going to happen is it?
27-07-2004, 05:52 PM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Come on Billy be honest the vast majority of boarding houses are pre-historic and so is the Steam Racket, they dont even have sensible sailing times, why because they cater for the manx yuppies?
27-07-2004, 06:29 PM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
The worst of it is those are not MANX yuppies..they are rich people from across, who now live there for tax purposes.
28-07-2004, 08:38 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Where Mike said that all we can do is "Whinge", I feel that the more productive action is through "Constructive Criticism".
I get the feeling that "Whinge" letters get passed by or on, as above, and if they survive the file 13, they often get only generic answers from "Marketing Types".
If we can define all the problems and complaints and suggest positive solutions and actions required, the letters would need to be discussed and reviewed by the parties concerned and formally answered, point by point.
The "Supply and Demand" for profit hungry organisations is always a difficult one to overcome, particularly when schedules have to be maintained in the quiet season.
The only answer is serious competion which should improve prices and service.
Having said all that, there is no excuse for bad or discourteous service even for a monopoly.

28-07-2004, 09:06 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Iguess that I chose the wrong word!
I can assure you that my comments were carefully
phrased and, I like to think, put as constructive
The reason that I addressed them to david Cretney was because I have written to IOMSP Co several times. It seemed approptiate that David Cretney should know how some of us feel (or in this case, how I feel!)
My point is that improving the organisation of the TT itself is great in itself. However, why not discuss the other elements that make the TT?
We all know that some supporters have stopped going because of the cost and accommodation problems.
If those things could be improved, more may return and share in the new, improved TT.
Am I excpecting too much?


28-07-2004, 11:36 AM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Ofcourse Mike, you are absolutely correct in what you have done and thanks for sharing it with us.

Taking the TT "Festival" as a whole event, including the necessary transportation and accommodation is a mammoth task for any organisation and we that we often take for granted. It is only when we feel dissatisfied or things go wrong that we spring into action.

28-07-2004, 12:06 PM

Re: TT tourist board feed back
Helen i think they use the phase'come overs'?
28-07-2004, 05:04 PM

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