Big Screens

Big Screens
Having been to the Motogp at Donnington , i was watching from the Craner Curves and as iwatched the start on the big screen i wondered at the possibility of having similar screens at the TT , maybe at all the timing spots , be good to see the riders at differenr locations around the course.
02-08-2004, 12:45 PM

Re: Big Screens
I think that this is agreat idea!
The trouble is, they ARE expensive.
I DO think somebody should give it a look.

02-08-2004, 01:37 PM

Re: Big Screens
I think that TV cover can easly destroy the TT as we know it. Do you fancy what does it mean all the TT races delays for a TV cover? It means that TT as we know it - its length, its dependence from weather conditions etc. - would start to become an obstacle for the TV cover of the TT. An obstacle to remove. It is what has already happen for the F.1 car tracks.

Big screens would be the anticipation of the TV cover of the TT...

02-08-2004, 02:29 PM

Re: Big Screens
I don't think that Neil was suggesting TV was he, he was suggesting big screens, maybe it would be good to have a couple around, maybe 1 at the grandstand and one at Ramsey, showing timing points or the commentary points, this would be good for pit crews and also help fill the grandstand, and great for trade in Ramsey as I would i magine it would attract alot more viewers if they could see a few more places on the circuit.
I remember talking with Malcolm a few years ago about something similar, but it is incredibly expensive to get off the ground.

02-08-2004, 04:01 PM

Re: Big Screens
I think that Neil visulised (no pun) the Big Screens only as a aid to the spectators and teams already on the Island. Good idea for some big sponsor to gain coverage and save some of those horrible stickers all over the bikes.

What was said about staging actual "TV events" is very problematic as you become a slave to the networks.

I remember in the 1960s, with the BBC Grandstand and ITV World of Sport, when we put on frequent winter scrambles. Very often the riders were held on the start line for many minutes, in the freezing cold, waiting for a delayed horse race somewhere in the country to finish, before they could start.
02-08-2004, 04:20 PM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
Frankly it would be nice to have a new clock tower like the old Dunlop one on the scoreboards.

With the availability of streaming webcams it would not be too expensive to set up a sponsored screen system (like the one at Brands yesterday) at the grandstand for those wanting to learn what the TT is about.

Oh, and the maroon that used to be fired when the races astarted..bring that back !!
02-08-2004, 04:21 PM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
Well instead of having the big screen at bushys , why cant that screen be used , im not sure who pays for it , but im sure if it was erected opposite the grandstand behind the scoreboard it would be far better than its usual use.

No , i wasnt implying TV coverage , i was merely saying that big screens would enhance the fans enjoyment of the racing.
02-08-2004, 06:10 PM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
I have to say that I ALWAYS presumed that we were talking big screens for "internal" spectator use.
(although, web access could be an added earner.
These screens ARE expensive and take some transporting. I know this from the fact that my football club(the Arsenal) pioneered their use.
I do think that there is potential with this idea.
Oh, and leave the screen alone at Bushys!!
03-08-2004, 10:18 AM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
Yep, it keeps the drunks amused (oops!)Something that totally amazes me is the number of guys who come across and watch the whole proceedings from Bushy's and never see a real race!
03-08-2004, 01:50 PM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
The one at Bushys has seen "mooning", "doughnutting", people waving two fingers at themselves and similar........

Time now to really use the big screens for a sensible reason....

Allied to the racing !!!!

03-08-2004, 02:07 PM

Re: Big Screens/Big Clock/Big Bang
I agree Ian , the screen at Bushys could be used to a greater effect than having drunken idiots waving at themselves .

Does the IOM tourist board pay for it or is a privatly funded effort or a bit of both with Duke?

Why cant the Steam Packet sponsor one at the Grandstand , give something back to your long suffering punters please Steam Packet , i mean its not as if you dont make enough money out of us is it.

03-08-2004, 04:09 PM

Re: Big Screens
Just a thought, what if somebody dumps it big time, a fatality shown live for all to see. The effect on relations undoubtedly watching especially at the pits does not bear thinking about, a delayed transmission would be necessary.
03-08-2004, 08:46 PM

Re: Big Screens
I hear what you are saying , but a big off can happen anywhere round the course at any given moment with anyone watching , live coverage goes out at numerous motorsport events round the world , now it would be awful if that did happen but no worse than if it happened without the screens.
03-08-2004, 10:37 PM

Re: Big Screens
Someone mentioned the idea of web cams.
If there were a couple around the course and they could be streamed on the web then there are a lot of overseas enthusiasts who would be willing to pay for the opportunity.
Nothing too flash just fixed cameras here and there.
Perhaps those with laptops and mobile phone connections could also keep track around the course.
Or even direct to 3rd generation mobiles with colour screens?
Technology is moving on, there were no radios in 1907, everyone uses one now, so it is not a big leap in imagination to have images as well as sound.
But I would stay away from becoming a slave to the TV companies which just would not work with two hour delays due to fog.
04-08-2004, 12:32 AM

Re: Big Screens
I think there is a germ of a very good idea here!
The question is, who could pick it up and run with it?
This could be more than a good idea, it could

How about the Manx Motorcycle Club?
It could be sponsored by any one of a number
of people.
There are IT companys, ISPs, etc, etc.

I like it.
It can happen

Anyone want to start the ball rolling?
I will if nobody else has the time or inclination.
But, it WASNT my idea...

PS, I still say leave the Bushys one where it is!
05-08-2004, 12:46 PM

Never volunteer!!
Oh Oh...looks like you'll be doing it then!
05-08-2004, 03:48 PM

Re: Never volunteer!!
I once volunteered to "help" with the TT supporters do in London.
Ended up doing the lot, TWICE!
Wot fun tho!!
Guest of honour at one was Ray Pickrell
and at another, the wonderful P J Williams.

I met so many lovely people.

So...... maybe I will!


06-08-2004, 10:51 AM

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