Recent Postings For Photographs

Recent Postings For Photographs
OK, enough is enough. I have removed all postings from photographers who are making these postings for what appeasr to be no other reason than financial gain, irrespective of how the postings are dressed up.

TTwebsite is a non-profit site and does not permit blatant advertising of services or organisations which do not put anything back into the sport, provide the site with a service at no cost, or wish to advertise for no other reason than to make financial gains from said postings.

I ask those of you concerned, not to make any further postings on any of the TTwebsite Bulletin Boards for your site and/or services, as I will only remove them once I have noticed them.

Unless that is, you can convince me that I should permit you to continue posting such messages.

08-09-2004, 01:36 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
Hi Malcolm,

How goes it?

Your blitz today is a bit over the top methinks - after all, many riders (myself included in my day, and still!!) like at least to see their ego trips, and if they then wish to purchase some of these, where's the harm?

Oo's crossed you??

Missed you at Billown this year - were you out of the country?

Cheers, Larry D
08-09-2004, 01:55 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
Hi Larry,

Sorry if it appears that way, just tired of people taking advantage of a "free" site without asking first if they may do so. Those who have helped the site in some way in the past, or who put something back into the sport, or are doing it in aid of some sort of charitable organisation connected to the sport can continue to post their cause/services as I have no objection to any of that at all.

I do send emails to "offenders" whenever possible asking why I should let them permit their postings to stand and if they can convince me, then fair enough, they remain, if not or I receive no reply, then their postings are removed.

Yes unfortunately I have seen little to no racing at all this year as business has kept me on the hop continuously since early April. Only now is it slowing down a bit, allowing me to have a weekend or two off recently.

I think I have got more air miles in with BA since April, than some of their pilots have.

That old YM1 that I mentioned to you some time ago is now fully restored and looking great, likewise the YDS3. Unfortunately the old Duc has still to be put together, but it is getting there. Maybe next year it will be out.

Great to hear from you Larry and hope everything is going well for you.


08-09-2004, 02:09 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
Point taken Malcolm but, as you will note from above, "esloane" feels hard done by while others remain in full view on the board.

Plus of course Cargo's looking for his ego trip although, having viewed the photo in question, if I were him I'd keep my head down!

It's a difficult path to be seen to be travelling fairly, if you see what I mean!!

See you next year, if you're not jet-setting.
08-09-2004, 08:12 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
I can't speak for Carol but if my posting is causing a problem, then by all means remove it, my web-site is my hobby and if a few people wish to purchase pics then as long as It covers the cost of ink & paper then I'm happy.
09-09-2004, 09:10 AM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
Hi Eddy, Of course you can speak for me, you "Old Pro" and an excellent one at that, if you pardon the expression.
Joking apart, like Eddy I only do photography as a hobby, I put the photographs on my website for everyone to view if they wish, but it really doesn't bother me if they do or not, I enjoy the racing and enjoy taking photographs, plus I have yet to find anyone willing to buy one of my photo's - Ha Ha Ha : )
09-09-2004, 06:59 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
I can only concur with the comments of Eddy and Carol. I have taken bike pics for 18 months now. I have sold 5 (FIVE) bike pictures. I get lots of pleasure in riders commenting on the photos and their obvious pleasure in seeing themselves on 'film'.

Perhaps in light of the recent postings and the above Mr Mac should reconsider his argument and accept that in the end this service is provided on a non profit basis.

Will this message get removed as well?

09-09-2004, 07:11 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
I'll buy one if you have one of Gail!!
09-09-2004, 07:55 PM

Re: Recent Postings For Photographs
Same from me
09-09-2004, 08:13 PM

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