New Team Manager

Re: New Team Manager
Nice one Ade!We have all had this discussion elsewhere a time or two and for most of us we have our own opinions.However,most of us would prefer manners and a decent attitude towards the public,who,after all, go towards paying these guys' wages.Adolf Hitler was pretty good at what he did too!!!
18-01-2005, 07:49 AM

Re: New Team Manager
Bit of silly remark there Hilary, don't you think. Basically Carl's speaks his mind if asked his opinion, and its not always the answer they want to hear. That doesn't make him bad mannered arrogant etc good on him for speaking out. There is no point saying one thing ,when actually you mean the other. There are a lot of riders out there,with egos way above their ability who franckly shouldn't have a racing license.

At least Carl can back his talking up results, good luck to him I say.
18-01-2005, 11:42 AM

Re: New Team Manager
Garry said of Foggy “There is no point saying one thing, when actually you mean the other”. It’s up to you but I don’t believe for one minute that Foggy won’t give other riders, apart from Rossi, the time of day. And does anyone believe, Rossi apart, the WSB top ten are on par with Moto GP top ten. I know what ten I would pick.
18-01-2005, 08:03 PM

Re: New Team Manager
in my honest opinion harvey, i think the bsb top 10 are as good as the wsb top 10, and in some cases, better. gp, which was beginning to languish at one time has picked it's game up considerably. much to the detriment of wsb. no wonder they didn't want to allow four strokes into gp again. top 5 series in the world has to now be [1] gp. [2] bsb. [3] wsb. [4] ama. [5] jap series / australian series [can't decide]
18-01-2005, 09:20 PM

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