Alternative Engine Technology

Alternative Engine Technology
In an earlier thread there was some discussion of new technology such as the UK Mayflower/Ehrlich engine
and the Australian Beare 6 Stroke technology.
If anyone has not heard of the Canadian Round Engine then have a look at their site:
<A HREF=""></A>
I can remember when Phil Irving was alive, each such new development would be run before him and he would
give a one-sentence assessment, which was invariably correct.
I wonder what Phil would have thought of all this?

17-02-2005, 12:18 AM

Re: Alternative Engine Technology
Would love to read a copy of L J K Setright's "Some unusual engines" A rare and expensive book now!
17-02-2005, 10:37 PM

Re: Alternative Engine Technology
<A HREF=""></A>

Interesting stuff here,
17-02-2005, 10:53 PM

Re: Alternative Engine Technology
Don, I think that Phil would have had a job to bend his Slide Rule around that engine!!
19-02-2005, 05:16 PM

Re: Alternative Engine Technology
He would have said something like this.
"Too many machining and sealing problems!"
One memory of Phil was of him tuning the Vincent engined hill climb special at
Templestowe hill climb in Victoria, not far from where he lived.
He had his old tweed sports coat on with spanners and screwdrivers in his pockets,
and as he leaned over adjusting things on the revving engine the ash of his cigarette
was disappearing down the carburettors.
Phil smoked a lot.

20-02-2005, 12:14 AM

Re: Alternative Engine Technology
Don, that must be one of the simplest and BEST memories of Phil that I have heard.

It surpasses the anecdote from my old school woodwork teacher who used to tell us about his own old Douglas 90 Plus cutting out on one cylinder in the winter. His over-long Stormguard coat would get sucked into one carb.

Or my first outing, when just 16, on a CycleMaster power assisted bicycle, the plug lead came off and somehow the metal terminal went down the heel of my left shoe. The experience was electrifying. I soon learned to ride the bike with the left pedal forwards.
20-02-2005, 07:24 AM

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