Anti TT lobby

Re: Anti TT lobby
There is now a new initiative on this theme. A wall of remembrance. I think there is a previous message about this, but if it is elsewhere I will get info for you.
15-04-2005, 10:25 AM

Re: Anti TT lobby
John Foster would be a great curator for the TT museum as he is almost a fossil himself.
There is another bloke who's name starts with Bill who would be pretty good as well.
15-04-2005, 11:09 AM

Re: Anti TT lobby
I've followed this for a few days and my thoughts have ruminated about where this is going and what it means to me personally and how others perceive the TT.

The issue of what and what isn't acceptably dangerous isn't about the real risks to person it's about perception.

The number of climbers killed in the Mont Blanc massif every summer far out weighs all the fatalities at the TT festival - but no one suggests it should be banned - but the participants(victims?) are there for the same reason.

Without getting too far into the philosophy - if someone who no-one knows dies - no-one cares - if someone in the public eye (by whatever route) dies it's an issue i.e. TT racers.

For example a few years ago a mother of two teenage sons died in a car accident and the whole of the UK went into hysterical mourning. Whilst in reality greater tragedies happen daily the perception was of a much greater event. So perception was really the issue rather than statistics - much like the TT being percieved dangerous where Badminton horse trails is not.

Hope that makes sense

15-04-2005, 02:07 PM

Re: Anti TT lobby
Makes sense yes. But it also applies within the TT itself. If someone not famous dies there is a lot less of an outcry than if it is the top man.
15-04-2005, 08:16 PM

Re: Anti TT lobby
Since the first ascent in 1865, over 500 people have lost their lives on the MaTTerhorn.
16-04-2005, 10:03 PM

Re: Anti TT lobby
All life is a risk.I once sat down and did a check on the cause of death of racing people I knew, and it was mostly other reasons...after all, nearly everyone who does the TT survives...don't know the percentage, but it's impressive!
17-04-2005, 12:20 AM

Re: Anti TT lobby
billy, see if you can find what you can about what barry sheene said about the tt. i seem to remember he had a few things to say about safety there. the fact that he only rode there once may not have made him anti-tt, but it may help you with your project ;-)
23-04-2005, 02:33 PM

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