Brian Winter

Brian Winter
Brian Winter passed away this morning after a short illness.
Classic, TT and MGP rider turned sponsor, Brian was a man who spoke his mind, and with fairness, and had time for everyone. Brian and Mary were regulars at the Classic Club Bob Mac events where Garfield Chalk campaigned Brian's Trident over the last season or so.
He will be remembered by many Scots racegoers for his trips across the border to race at Beveridge Park, Crimond, Errol, Gask and East Fortune
He will be sadly missed...........
29-04-2005, 07:15 PM

Re: Brian Winter
My daughter has such happy memories of Mary and Brian at Kirkcaldy, and the wonderful breakfasts with fresh mushrooms picked by Brian under the trees in the Park. Their kindness and good company was legendary.
My thoughts are with Mary, who was Brian's devoted companion for so many years. She must be feeling so lost without him.
30-04-2005, 03:25 PM

Re: Brian Winter
Been thinking a lot about Brian this morning, and I can just see the look of glee on his face as Mike Hose roared past on Mary's BSA. The noisier it was, tha happier Brian was. We need more "big " characters like Brian.
30-04-2005, 03:54 PM

Re: Brian Winter
Yes very sadly missed. Always remember Brian with a cheery, happy smile.

Sincere condolences to Mary.

Stella, Alex and boys.
01-05-2005, 03:58 PM

Re: Brian Winter
We never knew Brian & Mary before, but met them last year at Billown. Our tent was pitched next to where Mike Hose eventually put his, and Brian asked if he could leave his trailer, with two triples, next us for an eye to be kept on it.

No problem of course, and we saw quite a lot of them over the next week.

Two really nice people - it was a privilege to have met Brian, and our deepest sympathies go out to the lovely Mary.

R.I.P Brian
02-05-2005, 12:29 AM

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