Robbie Silvester

Robbie Silvester
Well done mate at your first TT, Two reps and 118 plus laps awesome !!
12-06-2005, 02:31 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Can't wait to post a well done Garry D for your performance at the MGP mate ;-) Roll on 2006 LOL LOL I have my spies out even your Dad has been infiltrated!!! MGP 2006 you WILL be there you KNOW YOU WILL!!!!! ;-0
12-06-2005, 05:11 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Beats your result on the TT course !
13-06-2005, 01:29 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
another pratt with an i.q. same as his hat size. how many times you been british champion then mr anon yellow chicken? somebody gives somebody else some rightly deserved praise and gets slagged off for it. put your real name up or stfu.
13-06-2005, 01:54 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
At least when I have something to say, I have the test tickles to put my name to it and stand by my views. Ade, you are spot on there mate couldn't have put it better myself.

13-06-2005, 04:18 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Well now Robbie - onwards and upwards - well done pal on a great TT...and Anon - go F Y S - thats my mate Garry yer slaggin!
13-06-2005, 10:12 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
16 days for me, 17 days for you and 18 days for "the pride of yorkshire", trouble is that garry doesn't drink. me and you will have to have his share over the weekend and see how many people's ears are burning after our get together. till the thursday night crazy b, you know where :-]
13-06-2005, 11:43 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
14-06-2005, 12:36 AM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Oh dear, looks like the sense of humour transplants have failed, yet again !!!
14-06-2005, 07:46 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
You dug your pile of xxxt up yet then ammo. How do you get through the scrutineers with those heaps, years of practice I suppose.
15-06-2005, 04:34 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
another dig at me ammo?
put it this way, if you were praising somebody for a great result and somebody jumped in half way down the thread and had a dig at you, what would you do? laugh? big joke?
somehow i think not, you'd react the same as i did, and if it wasn't aimed at garry d then you wouldn't have even replied to this thread would you?
15-06-2005, 05:00 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
So, whos slagging people off now then, Garry ? As for my piles of "xxxt" passing scrutineering, well thats the scrutineers job to fail it, isnt it, if he or she considers it to be unsafe.

PS Might have another pile of "xxxt" to dig up out of the manure heap soon, for the scrutineers (and you, if you like) to inspect.

Dont worry, Garry, I work in Engineering where abuse of your fellow workers is part of the daily routine, it helps to relieve the boredom. LOL
15-06-2005, 09:12 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Ade, the fact that Garry was a British champion holds no relevance when it comes to riding on the TT course, I know someone else who was a British champion, quite a number of years before Garry, who lives not far away from me, who also didnt get round the TT course very quick, what suits one doesnt suit eveyone.

All ANON has done is made a true statement of fact, that" Bobbie Sylvester got round a lot guicker than Garry" hes also got round a lot quicker than me, and lots of other people come to that, and its already been stated elsewhere that the TT course is not Garry's scene, fair enough, so he shouldnt be pushed into riding there, like one of his "mates" appears to be trying to do.

Mind I do agree that ANON should post these sort of things under a recognisable name.

Dont take things TOO seriously, lifes too short, you should know that,the same as I do.

ammo ( Colin Hammond )
15-06-2005, 09:30 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Funny isn't it, Ammo, how some people only have a sense of humour for their own "jokes", and admiration for their own achievements.
Give me Guy Martin's sense of humour (not laughing at other people) and his wide range of motorcycling talents (any bike, anywhere, and engines built by himself) any day!

15-06-2005, 09:44 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Helen i think a lot of fans have AFTER TT DEPRESSION but cheer up only 4 weeks to the JEWEL IN THE CROWN?
15-06-2005, 09:57 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
See you there, pykey...can't wait!
15-06-2005, 10:43 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
I take it Ammo that the " mate " you are referring to is me????
I wouldn't push anyone into riding on the TT course, but I've sat and talked with Garry about how he approached his one and only TT ride in 1988 and we can both see why he didn't do very well. You see Garry at the time was a 125 rider, and had never been to the the Isle of Man to learn the course, only to watch some racing as a young lad with his Dad. He also rode a "real production" 600 CBR, in the days when a proddy bike was a proddy bike, in my opinion, and one that Garry agrees with, his whole approach to the TT in 1988 was WRONG!! No support, no idea where he was going, a bike he'd never sat on before, little wonder he was blown away by the whole thing.
BUT I do believe that a rider with Garry's ability, drive and competitiveness would do very well on his 250 at the MGP, it is a bike he has adapted to very well and feels at home on, he would also have a team of people around him to do the work on the bike with his Dad, to show him around the course, to do the going through scrutineering and get the bike ready and warmed up so therefore taking any additional stress from him so that all he has to do is concentrate on learning and riding the TT course. This is the RIGHT and only way to approach it, and he would then do well at the MGP.
He is gradually learning the circuit with videos, and through our conversations, and if one day HE feels, along with his DAD that the MGP would be a GOOD move then HE will do it, and if HE doesn't then HE won't, but if HE DOES do it then it WON'T be because I have FORCED him to, it will be because I have SHOWN him how it should be done!!
Maybe you could come and learn something about turning a bike out that looks and is the part instead of those heaps of cow dung you turn up with every year!!!! Even if you don't have the money to have the best, it costs nothing to make a bike look presentable Ammo????
Thats my gripe for the day, it must be catching as I was doing a pines GP with Garry yesterday!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19-06-2005, 04:29 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
Cow dung ???!!!!! I usually find burying them in pig s--t works better !!!!. LOL
20-06-2005, 07:20 PM

Re: Robbie Silvester
21-06-2005, 02:14 PM

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