No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.

No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
It has been stated, by someone who should know, on another website, that the Manx Motor Cycle Club, organisers of the TT and MGP are now considering letting riders who are no good at the TT, go to the MGP instead (the TT being,supposedly, for "professional riders" whereas the MGP is for "amateurs"). Of course, I daresay no-one will bother consulting the MGP riders, who have no riders representative, riders liaison officer or whatever, about this matter, the first thing they will know is when they read it in the regs !!!!! Anybody got any opinions on this ? (Ex/failed TT riders can at present ride in the Classic races at the Manx but not the MGP races, MGP races being the Senior, Junior, Lightweight/Ultra Lightweight)
20-08-2005, 10:04 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
20-08-2005, 11:32 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Ammo, whist not supporting your expressions of "No good" and "Failed" for unsuccessful TT riders, (and note that I have never had the guts or means to be a road racer), I believe that the matter is up to the organisers in conjunction with riders representatives.
Look how both the MGP (formerly the Amateur TT) and the TT itself have developed over the years.
I would expect that most of the "Unsuccessful" TT riders will be of "Amateur" status anyway.
What ever the outcome, to a mere mortal such as me, all MGP and TT riders (and passengers) are still heros.

21-08-2005, 07:02 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Although I dont think this thread has been put across particularly well all I can say is I, personally, would be gutted if they did decide to do this. The MGP is thriving as it is, it doesnt need an influx of TT riders. Just look at the programme!

If it were to happen then you would see geniune MGP competitors whom have supported the event for a number of years being declined entries in favour of TT riders whom are likely to have only entered the TT for the money aspect not out of passion. It may seem critical but thats the facts as I know a hell of alot of riders who do that. Not all of them do it but alot do.

Possibly this is the next stage to what everyone talks about, and thats an amalgamated meeting.

A good or bad thing? Thats open to opinion but to me personally it deviates away from what the MGP was always about and I hope it never happens.

21-08-2005, 09:45 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Good points Tony.
What if the MMC were to open the MGP to "Invited TT Riders" only and by this I mean the underpriviledged privateers only?
But there again, I thought that the MGP was well supported anyway and, like you said, it would be wrong to have to turn down genuine MGP riders in favour of ex TT riders.
21-08-2005, 10:07 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
surely then it's high time for a tightening up of certain rules concerning the tt? firstly the qualification maxima needs to be a lot less. if these first/second/tenth timers at the tt can't get under the qualification time set then they shouldn't be racing there. they are slow and get in people's way. the mgp, apart from these superfast "works" bikes is run at a slower rate. top speeds are down, lap speeds are slower. not knocking it for that, after all if you can do a 120 mph lap you need to be at the tt not the mgp. the spirit of the mgp, the amateur tt still seems to be there for the most part. it is and SHOULD be used as a stepping stone to the big money, international, tt. the isle of man tt is not for learners or slow fat people :-]
21-08-2005, 10:59 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Paul, It says that non qualifiers at the TT may be allowed to do the MGP "at the clubs discretion".

The MGP is run under ACU rules and any rider who is refused an entry is entitled to ask for the reason his/her entry has been refused and the club CANNOT REFUSE to give a reason (at one time they could, but not now). So, if a non qualifier at the TT enters the MGP and they refuse his entry, what reason are they going to give him/her. Theres 11 reason they cant refuse your entry for:-

1. Age
2. Gender
3. Disability
4. Ethnic origin
5. Creed
6. Colour
7. Social Status
8. Sexual orientation
9. Occupation
10. Religion
11.Political opinion

This is in the National Sporting Code of the ACU. So what reason are they going to give? "Because we dont want to"? Not a valid reason. If they let one in and refuse another then pretty soon theres going to be screams of " Discrimination" and it'll probably end up at the European Court of Human Rights. The rules have got to be clear cut, as they are now, if youve done the TT, other than the proddy TT, then you cant ride at the MGP, Full Stop. As it stands at the minute, theres nothing to stop them doing the Classic race, cos it says in the rules that they can. Let one in, youve got to let them all in. I think that most MGP riders would feel the same as tobes feels at this suggestion.

Oh, and by the way, in the posting on the other website under " TT non-qualifiers for MGP" you quite clearly state " This area is my baby and something I am trying to put right" !!!!!!!!
22-08-2005, 08:41 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
22-08-2005, 11:40 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Starting to read like Web Wars ???
Read a few postings recently that appear to be taken out of context, lets not go down that road please. :-(
23-08-2005, 08:57 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Yes and I am watching.
23-08-2005, 09:24 AM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
I asked the MMCC if Scot Richardson could compete at the MGP on the grounds that he only started the F1 race and was involved in a crash which resulted in him losing a leg which has meant that he would not be competitive at the TT.
The reply was NO but he could do the classics.
And it is only a Gentlemans agreement that a MGP winner does not return to the MGP
23-08-2005, 12:42 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
If a rider failed to qualify for the TT then he/she has not raced there. Does this allow them to return to the MGP?
Non qualification may not always be due to being slow. ie illness, accident, machine failure, etc
23-08-2005, 05:41 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
23-08-2005, 07:42 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
I have a mate who competes in World Endurance and he fancied a crack at the MGP. He was denied because he holds an international licence. OK to do the TT but not MGP!

23-08-2005, 08:51 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Ok, Ill answer one question at a time.
Paul :-
What I have quoted is merely what you had typed, its open to interpretation. As someone who holds the official title of "Rider Liaison Officer",admittedly for the TT and not the MGP I think its pretty fair to assume that you should have a reasonable idea of whats going on. I take it that youre not intending to take up my challenge of liaising with the MGP riders,who are in the IOM at present then, about this subject? What could be better practice for a "Rider liaison Officer" than a bit of good old fashioned face to face "Rider liaising" then? You could then pass their opinions on to the Manx Motor Cycle Club, for whom you dont work, free of charge. LOL

As for being a s**t stirrer, well your entitled to your own opinion, but one thing youre forgetting Paul, I am/was/could be if they decide to accept my entry again, an MGP rider, you aint. I wouldnt like to see it f***ed up for the genuine riders just cos someone, somewhere, has a hair brained idea.


What it says in the regs is:-
For the purpose of these regulations, a rider is a person who has not ridden in the Tourist Trophy Races, except as a sidecar driver or passenger,or any round of ANY road racing world championship, INCLUDING PRACTICE. So, if youve ridden in TT practice you cant ride in the MGP, but, presumably you can if youve entered the TT but not done any practice.


See Luddy's reply, it says ANY world championship.


Yes, theyre quite right he cant do the MGP cos hes started in a TT, but he can do the Classic, and lets hope he enjoys himself.


Wind 'em up, they'll go forever !!! LOL

If you want a copy of the regs go to <A HREF=""></A> and click on "info for riders".
24-08-2005, 08:13 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
Ammo - To be fair I don't have too much indication as to what goes on with the Manx GP at all, as I have literally no involvment. I am busy at work right now, and so far have only managed to see a few bits and bobs from practice, so I wouldn't be able to help as it is.

As for taking up your 'challenge', no I won't be doing that quite simply as I don't have time for one and two it has noting to do with me.

Best wihses

24-08-2005, 11:24 PM

Re: No good at the TT-- Go to the MGP.
What if youd won a manx lightweight class and fancied a crack at the Senior race,but didnt want to do the TT.A good lawyer wood fight the Gentlements agreement?.
25-08-2005, 12:09 AM

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