Celebrations @ Condolences

Celebrations @ Condolences
I'm back from the Manx today, listened to the Senior on the 'net, 1st time i've done that. I've had a few too many tonight to celebrate Seamus's win, not to mention Gavin's and Ian's, and everone else who performed well at the manx. Looking at a pile of bits last night, it's hard to believe that Gavin won today. As for Seamus, he told me that he couldn't win today, so I am SO chuffed for him.Pleased for Ian after many years of trying. What about Maria? Very impressed,well done.I'm sure she will be pleased
I've had the pleasure of meeting Cargo aswell. What a character!! He's promised to train hard for next year, and I've agreed to monitor his progress. Should be interesting.
Hoewever, I am really sad that the Manx has taken such a toll. It's a desperate situation. Please be careful with your remarks in the heat of the moment, because this needs thinking about. Serious thought in fact. I would hate to see any dramatic change take place with the Manx, I love the event in almost every way. I wouldn't give tuppence to watch BSB. But the Manx? I watched at Glentramman on Monday, just marvelling at the lads,(and lasses) thundering by, just having their own personal battle. Shoestring budgets alongside "names", all having fun. Not for anyone to stop that sort of fun. Let's wait a few days for the dust to settle, before serious debate begins. I honour those who have left us, and ,I'm sure we've all said it before, they were doing what they loved. But, MY GOD! It is SO sad
02-09-2005, 10:49 PM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
unfortunatley couldnt be there this year,but totaly agree with your coments.
hopefully will see u at scarborough Mr turnbulls come back ride.
Top ride GAV,Hope the ride in the sled was as scarey.
03-09-2005, 12:20 AM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
Well said Nick and Fatgary, I too listened to the Manx Radio net broardcasts, supplemented by the mountain webcams.
I have learned from another site of a new charity being set up to suppliment funding for improved course rider protection.
This seems like a good thing, if it is allowed to happen.
03-09-2005, 10:27 AM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
I watched the junior / lightweight classic at the Bungalow. The 'pillows' there certainly saved rider 112 from serious injury. He rode off the course, just missed the pole carrying the tram cables then hit the airbags with a 'flumf' his bike only had a broken screen, the forks wern't even bent.

MY POINT, incase anyone missed it, is that those bags should be in as many places as possible. I'd be happy to chip in if a fund is started.
03-09-2005, 10:37 AM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
Nice message Nick well thought out , it has been a terrible fortnight so very very sad for all the families concerned , as said these are lads & lassies doing this for pure enjoyment , a very hard price to pay , i am sure there will be some repurcussions but agree we have to be careful .
03-09-2005, 02:38 PM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
The bike you mentioned was owned by my family and i am pleased to say that the rider and machine escaped major damage due to the air fence
03-09-2005, 06:21 PM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
No 112 as I recall was the redoubtable Pat Wynn, who managed to crack 2 vertebrae in the crash but was thankfully well enough to be released from Nobles after a couple of days. I don't need to say what the likely outcome would have been without air fencing.

This obviously isn't the be-all and end-all but it has got to be the next major safety improvement around the course.
03-09-2005, 07:30 PM

Re: Celebrations @ Condolences
The IOM should look to see the improvements made at Dundrod with run offs and airbags. I was at Ireland's corner when a rider when straight into the trees. I'm certain that he is only alive because of the air bag that slowed him down. The bike didn't seem too bad either!
05-09-2005, 04:19 PM

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