Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure

Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
I read on the front page of last night's IOM Examiner that Murrays Museum is to close at the end of the season. Many of the items will be sold off, and the building given back to the DAFF who own it.

More sad news.

I had a lump in my throat reading the article, and I wish Peter Murray a happy retirement. He was saying about the great days of the late-60's and early 70's when it was open from 7am until late evening.

There has been much talk in recent years about a TT museum being established by the IOM Government, but, of course, this has gone very quiet now, since it was realised that we have missed the boat in having such a museum in place, in good time to celebrate the TT centenary in 2007.

Surely then, this presents the Government with a remarkable head start, as they could make an offer to Mr.Murray for his collection, and use it as the basis to establishing a much more extensive emporium, in a brand-new building, with bang up-to-date facilities, situated exactly on the very site it is now--where it is known to race fans the world over. At The Bungalow, and with the statue of the great Joey outside to keep an eye on it.
20-09-2005, 08:43 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Another Landmark gone! I have lost count of the no of times i have been in there, loved the place, great atmosphere and craic.Surley this is a wind up!!!!
20-09-2005, 09:56 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Please tell me this is not true, I love watching from here and being able to spend countless hours browsing around between races is part of my Saturday during TT week.
20-09-2005, 10:05 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Mr Murray cited lack of visitors and a lack of atmosphere at the TT these days as the main reasons for his decision. He says that it was the sound of the bikes that always made the TT for him, and that today's endless procession of 1000cc and 600cc machines are about as exciting as listening to sewing machines. A point of view with which I have considerable sympathy.....
20-09-2005, 10:18 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Dear me, what is happening to our traditions of the TT ? All those machines and bits and pieces all under one roof. I also make an annual pilgrimage to the museum to see the bikes of "my eras" just to put everything into perspective. So the racing today is 600s and doubt there would be space for them as well in the museum in the not too distant future..

So what is Mr Cretney going to do to help preserve this section of TT heritage ? What we do to help keep it at the Bungalow or is there another site not used/owned by the finance section of the Isle of Man ??

Any room behind the Grandstand for instance?

Maybe SUMMERLAND could have been used instead of knocking it all down, or if they do eventually knock it down, could the museum be re-sited there or there-abouts.

Murrays motorcycle museum has been a focal point on the Island for as long as I can (at my age)remember..Does it HAVE to go ?

2005 has done nothing for road racing has it !!!

20-09-2005, 11:47 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
21-09-2005, 01:42 AM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Was talking to Bernie Lund the other day and he said he went to see a bike collection near Rhencullen, it is open to the public, didn't know it was there myself, any body else heard of this?
21-09-2005, 09:15 AM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Shocking news if its true in fact i dont believe the posting either tell me its a wind up please?
21-09-2005, 09:16 AM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Very sad news indeed!! I visited Peter every year during the TT . A few days ago I wrote a letter to him. Now I wait for the answer wether it's true that the museum will be closed. A great loss for the TT amd the visitors. I hope that all the bikes and the other things in the museum will be shown in a new museum.
21-09-2005, 07:41 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Sad news but if correct I guess its a commercial decision so can be fully understood as I would suspect outside the main motorcycle events it has few visitors.To some of us it has sentimental memories,one of my old racing machines which I last saw in 1966 I rediscovered housed there in 2003.If its kept as a whole on the I.o.M. and improved and added upon it maybe Mr Murrays decision could be for the better,but if the collection is dispersed by auction it will be a sad loss to the island,as I doubt if anything approaching the depth of this collection could be assembled again,even the trivia has memories for many eg Aset of Maurice Cann's leathers.
Problem it will take a very rich person or organisation to purchase as a whole and I guess Bonhams are knocking at the door allready.
Over to you Manx Government
21-09-2005, 07:52 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
truly some fantastic bikes in there i will be sorry to see it go.what a shame to split it all up after all that hard work.
28-09-2005, 03:18 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Looks like its the end of the road then?
28-09-2005, 04:44 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Well it is closing. How can the Manx government let this happern? They are loaded they should take it over at any cost. There is a lot of history in the museum. When its gone its gone. If it is sold what about all the stuff that was donated. Very sad indeed.
01-10-2005, 10:43 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
I was very sorry to learn of the closure of Murrays motorcycle museum. I spent many happy hours browsing around the motorcycles particularly in between race days and even on race day it was a great place to nip into.There were some interesting machines in it.All the best to the Murray family in the future and many thanks for putting on a good show all these years.

All the best.John

21-10-2005, 04:51 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Got to be a Velo in there somewhere for you surely, John??
21-10-2005, 10:29 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
I went to murrays in 2004 and there was talk then about closing.I had a chat with him about the building.He told me it was an old radar station (cold war stuff i believe)There is so much in there to see,i'd say a bit to much really.Anyway i hope the collection is kept together.
23-10-2005, 05:50 PM

Re: Murray's Motorcycle Museum closure
Regarding the Manx Museum please bombard Dave Cretney with your opinions as to the future? believe me he is listening.
24-10-2005, 09:56 AM

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