Gerrards Mallory

Gerrards Mallory
Is it true that Gerrards at Mallory is to have a chicane?
21-02-2006, 01:26 PM
Fitz Offline

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21-02-2006, 01:33 PM
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Stella Offline
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Discussion and photo`s on bsb chat forum today also.

21-02-2006, 03:58 PM
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21-02-2006, 06:28 PM
ade! Offline
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another great british institution stamped into the mud. the greatest corner on any circuit in the british isles. the sight of thirty or so bikes barrelling into gerrards for the first lap of ANY race was simply awsome.
mr meek, if you've got any clout left, put your chihuahua down, jump in a jcb and shovel this new tarmac straight into the lake.
mind you, after the rubbish put on by a certain mr parker's club on boxing day, i said i'd never go again anyway, so why should i care?
ACU? why not add "nt" to the end, you'll get the idea!
21-02-2006, 10:26 PM
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GarryD Offline

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I heard about this from a family friend who's raced there from the very first meeting, with both bikes and car's. As Ade said this is one of the greatest corner's in british bike racing, if they do that they might as well close the place altogther.

The vast amount of the short circuits have been ruined by chicane's etc, they dont make places any safer either, if anything they cause more crashes. And as for jp he couldn't run a bath !!!!!!
Motor cycling, mountain climbing and bull fighting are the only true sports. All the rest are childrens games played by adults.
21-02-2006, 10:54 PM
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Who can forget Moon eyes passing Ago on Gerrards you could hear the roar for miles, ah memories but great ones?
22-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Hilary M Offline
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Gary,at least we agree about JP.Nice way to describe him.Maybe he'll drown in one,lol
22-02-2006, 09:26 PM
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GarryD Offline

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We live in hope Lol
Motor cycling, mountain climbing and bull fighting are the only true sports. All the rest are childrens games played by adults.
22-02-2006, 10:10 PM
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Hilary M Offline
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I have just read a posting on the ACU site stating that the first meeting at Mallory will use the original track at Gerards, due to the fact that the ACU will not at present issue a licence for the new layout.Have they,at last,discovered a brain cell amongst themselves? :shock:
22-02-2006, 10:14 PM
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andy kirk Offline

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think you will find mallory them selves did this for bsb to continue to use the circuit basicly the bsb boys needed a longer lap.

think the acu are having a look at the new chicane in march.

as far as i,am aware the clubs who hire the track will have an option to use or not to use.

early reports are the new chicane is far to tight ..........first lap carnage !!
22-02-2006, 10:37 PM
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ade! Offline
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if they were running anti clockwise it might be ok, but the right way? no way. it's a bad, bad joke.

ACU? why not add "nt" to the end, you'll get the idea!
23-02-2006, 12:44 AM
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andy kirk Offline

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just heard on the grape vine the new shitcane will only be used at bsb all club meetings will use gerrards & then get t - boned at edwinas :shock: :shock: as per norm.

apparently the acu will not grant a licence for the new abortion.
23-02-2006, 05:05 PM
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