ACU Back In Charge
Malcolm Offline

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ACU Back In Charge
I am beginning to hear rumblings of an alleged ACU return to take over the running of the TT and that the MMCC is in fragmentation concerning THEIR choice for a new Clerk of the Course.

It seems (allegedly) that their chosen appointee has declined the offer and that he may well have left the committee !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Now, where does this all lead us, and what will be the fallout from such alleged actions ?????????????

Anyone else out there heard anything on this ?
12-03-2006, 01:14 PM
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Hilary M Offline
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Isn't it strange how these things occur without anybody knowing anything about it?They expect to know everything about their licence holders,but,as usual the Mafia have clamped up.
For crying out loud,don't let the ACU back or nobody will have the right qualifications to ride.Maybe that is what it is all about. Sad
12-03-2006, 05:56 PM
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andy kirk Offline

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may be the manx goverment & the mmcc wants the acu back ???? :wink: :wink:
12-03-2006, 06:13 PM
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Paul Phillips Offline

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Sorry, but again this information is 100% false.

12-03-2006, 09:27 PM
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Hilary M Offline
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Rumours always start somewhere! Can we rely on the fact that the ACU are NOT back in charge and that Neil Hanson has NOT stepped down?
12-03-2006, 10:13 PM
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Check your pm Hilary
13-03-2006, 08:17 PM
Jan Grainger Offline
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Can I ask a really silly question. As I'm coming up from Australia to the TT I would like to be reassured that there is actually going to be a meeting and if so will it be run in a truly professional manner and will I see good racing with the best competitors available to take part. From reading some of the postings lately I becoming somewhat nervous as to what this once great event is turning into. Is there anyone out there who can tell me the truth of what's going on. Sounds like a real shambles at the moment. Thanking you in anticipation.
13-03-2006, 10:00 PM
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David Griffiths Offline

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Jan, I don't think you have any worries as far as the TT is concerned. The entry for 2006 is likely to be the strongest for many years. Most of the established stars will be back again this year along with a tremendous crop of talented newcomers, and the racing will be fast, close and very competitive. The only issue I have with the TT now is the lack of variety on offer since the small-bike classes were dropped. It's all very 'samy' now with the same riders on the same couple of bikes for a fortnight, but there is no doubting the very high quality of the riders.

The big problem is going to be the MGP. which as things stand at present doesn't have a future. If the 'TT Course Licence' rules are enforced this year, and continue to be enforced even more stringently next year (6 meetings needing to be completed in the year), then this year's MGP will probably be the last one. I know this is repeating things that have already been said a million times before, but the MGP by its very nature is a 'holiday race'. It is an amateur event, there is no prize fund, no expenses, and when you include the time taken to travel to and from the island, competitors have to take the best part of 3 weeks out of their working (and family) year to compete at their own expense. For the majority, that simply doesn't leave any time, holiday or money to do more than one or two other meetings in the year at best.

So unless our good friends at the ACU back down (which I still believe they will have to soon), don't plan to come to the MGP after 2006!
13-03-2006, 11:07 PM
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Don Simons Away
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Of course it will be on Jan, the TT is always on, regardless of the politics and talk of the end of t he world, it will be on and it will be fantastic as usual.
As long as there are no Mad Cow's there or Parrot Flu !!

One thing you will notice if you haven't been for a while is the lack of SOUND and as David said the lack of variety, but you will love it just the same.
Rest in Peace Don Simons 1942 - 2012
14-03-2006, 12:11 AM
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Jan Grainger Offline
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Thank you David and Don for your re assurances. I guess I shall have to cope with the sound problem or lack thereof. When I was last there I recall 125's amongst others in the same event and I realise now I shall not witness this sort of race again but, Oh Dear David, I was planning to do the MGP in either 2008 or 2009 so let's hope common sense prevails.
14-03-2006, 10:17 AM
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Tomcat Offline

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While the ACU's commitment to the TT is questionable (they handed it over to the MMCC and scheduled a round of BSB to run in the middle of it) many Islanders are still undoubtedly committed to the TT, as evidenced by the Dept of Tourism's decision to give away free entries this year. Not a surprise I guess, it's still a major cash cow for the Island.

The commitment of all parties to the Manx is a different matter I believe. The ACU see it as an irrelevant embarassment that makes them little money can can generate unfavourable injury statstics, as in 2005 sadly. On the Island itself the financial sector (and those individuals who depend on them for a lot of their business) would like to see the racing stopped altogether, starting with the weakest/less profitable event, to protect their peaceful tax haven idyll.

The Manx has been the "holiday racer's event" for many years, and has run very well in the past in that way. Unfortunately the powers that run our sport on and off the Island have decided there is no place for amateurs in their scheme of things and racing must be run as a business that profits them, or not at all. So, along with paying increased costs for entries, ferries and the new licence we get the kick in the teeth of seeing the TT subsidised and not the MGP. Every year we seem to have fewer practice sessions and lately even the committee can't be bothered to attend the prizegiving.

It's a sad end to a once glorious event but if the organisers want to kill it by a thousand cuts then kill it they will. Enter this year I would suggest, as I believe there will not be enough entries next year to run the event.
15-03-2006, 10:38 AM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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They are in charge
The ACU still are in charge! If they are the group that introduced this rip off piece of paper?

To them my wife says thanks, to them I say, O well, you can imagine.

Pieces of toilet paper to improve safety, what a f----- joke.

11 years of racing the TT course and 2 TT wins! and I am not safe due to toilet tissue!

Seriously though folks, this claim of safety issue's is a crock of excrement, and the ACU should be ashamed of themselves and all ACU licence holders should call for resignations of the people that are causing all the trouble and getting rich out of this.

16-03-2006, 07:32 PM
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Come on, now Shaun...don't hold back...say what you really feel!
Well said.
16-03-2006, 08:17 PM
Shaun Harris Offline
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thewitch Wrote:Come on, now Shaun...don't hold back...say what you really feel!
Well said.

I don't like to be abusive on a web site, much prefer to get in some one's face, but they are all so face less
16-03-2006, 08:21 PM
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hayley Offline

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I second that Helen!!
16-03-2006, 08:28 PM
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Stella Offline
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Seems totally rediculous :shock:

With no direspect i know that as a race fan i would want to see someone of Shauns standing competing in what is amongst the last of the Great Roadraces.

What is it that they say "to be the best you have to beat the best"

I reckon that if they are discussing you, you have every right to let the world know. After all it was know by many that you were intending to compete ?

So much going on that the fans really have a right to hear about, and if its from the horses mouth ? so be it !

16-03-2006, 08:28 PM
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Sorry, DLUCIE, and Charlie. I have deleted DLUCIE's posting and Charlie's response as this was reviving a thread I already said was closed. Please do not make personal attacks on individuals.
To clarify a point, for the last time. Paul Phillips is not the rider's representative, he is working for the Tourist Board, promoting the TT, and recruiting riders.
(Pity the ACU seem to be rejecting as many as Paul finds.)
16-03-2006, 09:10 PM

To expand on Stella's point, I am sure that riders, new or experienced in the TT races, would value racing against previous winners, and would learn and benefit from them.
16-03-2006, 09:15 PM
charlie hulse Offline
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Apologies Helen caught me at a bad time. I nearly said what I really thought !! :roll:

It was just total exasperation and ever-so-slightly p***** off.

BTW you can stick your night out now censoring me..........

..............Just joking :oops: Lol
Youth is wasted on the under forties !
16-03-2006, 09:53 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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Don't shoot my mate
Please please please, do not turn this into an opportunity to challenge Paul Phillip's, Paul is and I hope for others going to be involved in the TT for a long time to come, this is nothing to do with him!

Paul does a brilliant job with the riders, and I would take any attacks/ challenges on Paul personelly, and if this does happen I will not help/support/back up any one involved in doing this.

Please keep it between us and the ACU

I blew it by not meeting there new requirements, but trully believe this new license to be illegal! and it does need a good fight.

How about a past winner standing outside the ACU office talking with the press about the ACU safety idea's, man, that would blow there credit out of the water.

As it stands I am already dead, there is no way my posts will not get back to them, and with what I have said and the suggestions I have made, how can they back down now?
16-03-2006, 10:45 PM
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