The Early morning practice Bus

The Early morning practice Bus
01-06-2007, 02:08 PM
John Foster Offline
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Well done to all and I'm glad that Larry was able to hear my answers through that clever little earpiece that you thought was a deaf aid.

I am sorry that I had to give the bus a miss, but a friend managed to snap you all at Rosie's.

[Image: charabanc_hallam.jpg]
01-06-2007, 02:37 PM
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Fitz Offline

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Thanks to Malcolm and The Witch for organising this.

Nick & Cargo were entertaining and Cargo even learned something....I think!

The quiz showed how little I know and what a geeks Larry & Nick are :wink:

Sharon is a happy girl clutching her Guy Martin T-Shirt and was even more happy to clutch him in the paddock for a photo with the T-Shirt on.

Was a most excellent morning and so nice to hear that the MGP Helicopter will benefit from the whole trip.
01-06-2007, 02:50 PM
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02-06-2007, 08:42 PM
ian huntly Offline
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What a nostalgic morning it was when we conglomerated at the Grandstand to do the tour of the course.

I was up at 4AM and saw the glorious Manx dawn break up Glencrutchery Road....Some of the trippers should have been there for that experience alone, the experience we miss these days. Your nose and ears cold but one can feel the sun warming up as it rises...

Thanks Nick and Cargo for your excellent running commentary. I hope Cargo now wins after all the racing tips we got.

My only disappointment was that me, after 60 years, found myself lacking in memory so I did not do so good in the quiz.

There were times when I could pull those sort of facts outa me head....

I therefore say "the quiz was hard and I had a late night before, and an early rise".

Thanks especially to the honest soul who found my wallet which I had left on the breakfast table !! Great breakfast !!

Finally thanks to Helen who did a great job of organisation, it MUST be repeated next year but you all get up earlier !!

Another Happy TT Memory..

In 2015 I celebrate 68 years as a devoted TTFan

Bookingfor 2016 !!
03-06-2007, 12:23 PM
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MV Offline
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Pamela and I had agreat time.
Well done Helen.

The shame is that Shaun who took time to join us had the accident.


PS This is brief because I diont know WHOSE wireless network I am connected to!
05-06-2007, 09:05 PM
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SILSOL Offline
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Fantastic trip,
special thanks for Nick & Cargo, incredible!

graet job Helen!!

Lady ducati & Club
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Lady Ducati Doc
06-06-2007, 01:06 PM
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