Alive and kicking!

Alive and kicking!
TTwebsite has its 500th member.
Welcome to Alf885.
This site is here for its members to use, and I look forward to lots of constructive, interesting and entertaining posts.
Over the years TTwebsite has been responsible for a marriage, at least one long term relationship, international friendships, nights out, fundraising and probably a few visits to the Island that might not have otherwise happened.
It has had its ups and downs, and not everyone is happy all the time, but the website is what YOU make it (with a bit of intervention from time to time from us admins)
Get posting folks
08-07-2007, 10:42 AM
alf885 Offline
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Alive and well
Hi and thanks for the welcome. Not sure I'll be able to match some of the previous achievements by members, but who knows. Like others here at TT website I am also a member of other forums here and there, all bike/road racing related of course so I'm not totally wet behind the ears. Looking forward to it.
I shall be over on Thurs for the S100, a 24 hr visit involving a midnight Wednesday dash to Heysham and similar return trip on Thursday so I can be back at work on Friday. It would be easier form Liverpool but the sailings don't tally with the S100 programme. I've e mailed the new CEO at the IOMSP for his thoughts on their timetable, especially from Liverpool, some of the departure times seem a bit odd. Work on Friday should be interesting! I'll keep you posted. alf
08-07-2007, 11:01 AM
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Jan Grainger Offline
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Through this web site I have 'met' the most fantastic people. Years ago I invited a delightful lady from Ireland to visit and stay over with me. I had absolutely no idea what she looked like, or what age she was so when I met her from the train I was surprised to greet a beautiful young woman, Florence (Flo was her forum name). Since then I have met up with her in Dublin and for those who may remember her I have news that she is expecting a baby any time now. So even though we may not always agree on certain subjects at times I thoroughly enjoy logging on every morning and I will be eternally grateful for
08-07-2007, 11:07 AM
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MV Offline
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Welcome Alf.

I wish you luck with the new CEO, but dont get despondent if nothing comes of it.
Many of us have tried to get through.

I am another member who has made several new friends through this wonderful website.
I could write a long list but they might get embarrased
They now who they are....

Dont accept any sustitute, THIS is the one!

08-07-2007, 01:39 PM
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