Shaun Harris Saying thanks
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Shaun Harris Saying thanks
Hi all, it has been a long while since I have been on here, and would like to take this opportunity, to say a HUGE Thankyou to all that have thought about me and my family over the past few months.

The first few weeks after the crash are a complete mistory to me, as I do not remember what was going on at the Isle of Man Hospital, my head has had a very good shake up, and my memory has not been the best, I cannot remember more than 6 days prior to my crash! my anger management has not been the best over this time as well, and the poor nurses and Fiona and other family Anja, Petra etc had to deal with all this going on around them.

To my direct family, Fiona, Petra, Anja, Bevan, Michelle, Nicki,Mum, Gordan and others, thankyou all so much, I am so incredibly lucky to have you guys in my life, it was with the love and support that you all gave me, that has pulled me through this ( Hospital staff were fantastic brilliant !) I cannot thank you enough for what you have all done for me, what I can promise is, to make sure that I try harder than ever to make things all good for all of us, and that I will work as hard as possible to totally over come all my injuries, and to love you all, for a long and good time.

It is quite strange to be sitting here typing this out, a lot of the people that will read this, I do not even know personally, but know you all care, due to all the PM's and post cards and so on, I feel you are a direct part of my racing and what goes with it, and it is an honour to feel this way, as I have always believed in the fans more than any other part of the racing game, it is you people that keep our sport going.

I am really very happy with my current physical mental condition, I am in a wheel chair still , and can not put any weight onto my left leg as yet, but are going for a specialist meeting this Thursday with a view to evaluate my Pelvis and leg, with the view of, starting to put weight onto it again, and basically learning how to walk again on it.

The bone specialist out here, is calling me a healing "FREEK" He cannot believe the build up of bone around all my breaks all ready, Bloody good news, I have always healed quickly, and Fiona really understands me very well, when it comes to food and drinks, so I am eating and drinking a lot of really good stuff which is helping me a lot.

I am mentally frustrated because I cannot go and climb a tree or any thing at the moment, and are the type of person that always keeps very busy, working ands so on. I am a motor cycle racer, and I love our sport, so have been working hard on re developing a race team here in New Zealand that I will be the owner manager of, things are looking very good at the moment for this venture, 3-4 rider team. When it all comes together, I will let you all know, and I am really looking forward to it, as I know, that I can train, advise riders so well with all the info I have, and I am lucky out here n New Zealand, in the fact that I have a lot of Industry support to make some thing like this happen.

The chances are that, with this team, I will be asking a UK/Scottish/Irish/ iom, based rider out to race in one Road race meeting on the 26th of december, the same meeting I got Guy Martin to race in 2 years ago.

So again, just to say thanks very much to you all for caring and sharing for me and my family, it is a part of my life and my racing life that I will appreciate for ever, thank you Shaun
22-08-2007, 01:05 AM
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Baylon McCaughey Offline
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Good to see you aiming Positive Shaun, i can still remember the first time i met you, and your words to me were; Give me the same as McCallen has, and I ll beat him!!, and it is good to see that your attitude is a optisimistic as ever.
Keep ya chin up Boy!
22-08-2007, 10:24 PM
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Stella Offline
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Great to hear from you Shaun

Hope its ok but i copied and pasted it onto the bsb forum as there was always a lot of concern on their forum for you also 8)

Your accident touched many as has your fight back to health.

So good to read your post and although i bet you have a lot of hard recuperation still ahead of you, its great to see you posting on the forums again !

Keep up the hard work and best wishes to your family and close friends.

Speaking from experience, Its at times like these you really come to appreciate what true love and friendship is all about.

luv lots,
22-08-2007, 11:19 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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Stella Wrote:Great to hear from you Shaun

Hope its ok but i copied and pasted it onto the bsb forum as there was always a lot of concern on their forum for you also 8)

Your accident touched many as has your fight back to health.

So good to read your post and although i bet you have a lot of hard recuperation still ahead of you, its great to see you posting on the forums again !

Keep up the hard work and best wishes to your family and close friends.

Speaking from experience, Its at times like these you really come to appreciate what true love and friendship is all about.

luv lots,

You know girl! Never give up, and never whinge about it is the best way to go forward, be happy 8)
22-08-2007, 11:35 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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Baylon McCaughey Wrote:Good to see you aiming Positive Shaun, i can still remember the first time i met you, and your words to me were; Give me the same as McCallen has, and I ll beat him!!, and it is good to see that your attitude is a optisimistic as ever.
Keep ya chin up Boy!

Chin is way up Baylon! No slacking around in my life mate, there is still a lot of other things I can get done in life yet, just racing bikes is no longer one of them mate. I have been really lucky with the sport, with sponsors and support, so no spilled tears coming from me over this mistake. Cheers
22-08-2007, 11:37 PM
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Jan Grainger Offline
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One thing that you have over all of us, Shaun, is that you are probably the first on our forum to greet the sunrise each day. Our thoughts and best wishes will ensure the sun keeps shining on you. (Summer is on it's way, lol) . Sounds like you a being very positive. Excellent, but if you feel like having a whinge, or a joke, do it here. We are really good listeners.
22-08-2007, 11:48 PM
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Stella Offline
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Shaun Harris Wrote:
Stella Wrote:Great to hear from you Shaun

Hope its ok but i copied and pasted it onto the bsb forum as there was always a lot of concern on their forum for you also 8)

Your accident touched many as has your fight back to health.

So good to read your post and although i bet you have a lot of hard recuperation still ahead of you, its great to see you posting on the forums again !

Keep up the hard work and best wishes to your family and close friends.

Speaking from experience, Its at times like these you really come to appreciate what true love and friendship is all about.

luv lots,

You know girl! Never give up, and never whinge about it is the best way to go forward, be happy 8)

Yes got it in one my good friend ! Big Grin
22-08-2007, 11:50 PM
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crazy blanket Offline

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Hey Shaun.... great to hear from you pal!
You continue to rise above the poo that gets chucked at you and for that, you reap the rewards of respect from your people. This is something you do naturally and it is that quality which makes you stand out from them all!

The question is...when do you start stirrin the poo again? Lol Lol Lol

(that's when the wheel will have turned full circle mate - bonza! :wink: )
23-08-2007, 07:22 PM
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Shaun Harris Offline
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[quote="crazy blanket"]Hey Shaun.... great to hear from you pal!
You continue to rise above the s**t that gets chucked at you and for that, you reap the rewards of respect from your people. This is something you do naturally and it is that quality which makes you stand out from them all!

The question is...when do you start stirrin the s**t again? Lol Lol Lol

(that's when the wheel will have turned full circle mate - bonza! :wink: )

Your pile of excrement in on air frieght with the couriers as we speak mate Lol

30th of this month, next week, rea excrement will be happening for me and the world.

My bone specialist here in NZ is very -pleased with the current bone healing rate, he is extremelly impressed with all the work Toby branfoot did to me in Leeds, yesterday was funny to be with my specialist, he stared at the xrays in awe of the work done, more than he spoke to me, that is a sign of the quality done by Toby at Leeds.

As of next week the 30th, I am starting a physio training programme, that will have me standing and trying to walk on BOTH MY OWN legs!!!!!!!

I really cannot weight for this to begin, I am being as patient as possible here, as I am listening to the specialists and letting them be the bosses of me ( Hard to do for me)

I know the walking process is going to be a very long and slow recovery process, but are so lucky to be able to be getting to this stage so soon after what has gone on.

In a week of so from now, I should have some very exciting race team plans to announce to you all regarding New Zealand racing and me, I have been working away in the back ground on a team, and we are nearly at the officual announcement stages of it.

There will be a spot for ONE Forign rider for one Street race in December the 26th, will keep you informed on this all, later plebs
24-08-2007, 12:12 AM
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ian huntly Offline
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Get Fit Soon
SHAUN HARRIS.......Million Dollar Man !!

They have rebuilt.

Good to see you in print again.

In 2015 I celebrate 68 years as a devoted TTFan

Bookingfor 2016 !!
24-08-2007, 11:24 AM
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