Billy Donnan auction night
Dont forget that this Sat 6th Oct there is an auction night in aid of Billy Donnan the son of the late John Donnan, it will be held at the Tandgagee golf club and starts at 8 PM any donations will be greatly appreciated. NB This is the only offical auction.
03-10-2007, 08:43 PM |
Ok dont forget its tomorrow at Tandragee golf club 8 PM there are loads to bid for.
05-10-2007, 09:36 PM |
I heard it was a poor turnout but well done the Tandraggee Supporters for trying and Baylon enjoy the book.
07-10-2007, 11:33 AM |
Baylon McCaughey
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Posts: 456
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Joined: Dec 2005
what i posted on my site when i came home last night!;
Just Back, and i certainly enjoyed to night BUT despite the fact there was another function not too far from this function, i WOULD LIKE To know where everyone else was!!!, i honestly think it was a rather poor turn out !!
I am back home with ;
a helmet! do i need another helmet?
a metzeler jacket, too big for me!!, do i need a metz jacket?
a new socket set!, do i need another one?
some photos! do i need any more photos?
the answers to the aforementioned are ALL ;; NO!!
But it was to support the cause of the night, to support young Billy Donnan!,
how many riders were there???
the organizers put in a lot of effort, i think they deserved a better turnout, just my thoughts!
07-10-2007, 12:13 PM |