Roger Hurst Wins!
The Conister Trust Award for Volunteer of the Year went to Roger Hurst of the TT Marshals' Association
Congratulations, Roger... every marshal on the TT course will be delighted. It's so good to have you back as Chief Marshal too.
07-12-2007, 09:27 AM |
Don't know what happened to the live streaming we were promised last night. This news only appeared this morning. Never mind.. Well done to DSM Reggie at the Aaron House... come to think of it... maybe he sabotaged the live feed!
07-12-2007, 09:29 AM |
Well done Reg
And well done favourite airline
07-12-2007, 11:31 AM |
07-12-2007, 01:48 PM |
Just Getting Started

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Once again it looks like all the Directors and volunteers of the IOMTTMA have been ignored! and Roger gets all the plaudits. I thought it was supposed to be a team effort, and every Director and marshal played their part, but no, Roger did everything it seems!
I believe the Directors of IOMTTMA will be making a statement shortly on both this award and the appointment earlier this week of Roger as the Chief Marshal.
07-12-2007, 03:33 PM |
Just Getting Started

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DCLARKE, i beleive Roger stated some of what you said in his speech, unfortunatly the evenings organisers couldnt have every marshal and helper at the event.
It happens all over the world in every sport, normally the leader or head of said team / group collects the awards, now come down of your hi horse and play nice please.
Aim forward, dont look back
07-12-2007, 05:00 PM |
Posts: 14
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It reflects very badly on directors to take pettiness to the public arena in this way. It has no place in the running of a vital, lifesaving organisation. Differences should be discussed in the confines of the boardroom.
Marshals are simply interested in and impressed by results. In their case, enough training and support, which I think they have all been happy with.
As far as the appointment of a Chief Marshal, that used to be the Chief Constable. it is an appointment by the autorities, and nothing to do with the TTMA, whose function is to recruit and train the marshals. The powers that be clearly regard Mr Hurst as the most suitable person for the job and I sincerely hope the directors of the TTMA accept that and work willingly with him, or we will lose the lot.
By the way, I believe that category in the awards was based on public votes.
08-12-2007, 12:39 PM |