Keith Pursglove
TT Sounds
Having just spoken to my good buddy who used to holiday with me at the TT, he reminded me of the morning Bob MacIntyre did the first unofficial 100mph lap on the Gilera.
We were at Kates, and we heard that bike all the way to Signpost! Fabulous sound and fantastic rider. So cool he even made eye contact as he passed as we were hanging over the bank trying to take photos. (Would not be allowed to do that today!)
Having said all this about the multi cylinder Japanese & Italian screamers, can you beat the sound and smell of a Manx, 7R or G50 through Glentrammon with Hailwood, Minter or the very underated Alan Shepherd on board?
I guess that the flying plumber and I are of an age, ( my first TT was 1954) so consider myself very lucky as through the 60's we saw all the works teams battling it out, and in those days you knew who was coming down the road by the sound of the bike as they were all so differant. Happy days. But I still get the same thrill now. Must be something in the Manx air....
02-02-2008, 12:19 AM |
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Re: TT Sounds
Keith Pursglove Wrote:Having just spoken to my good buddy who used to holiday with me at the TT, he reminded me of the morning Bob MacIntyre did the first unofficial 100mph lap on the Gilera.
We were at Kates, and we heard that bike all the way to Signpost! Fabulous sound and fantastic rider. So cool he even made eye contact as he passed as we were hanging over the bank trying to take photos. (Would not be allowed to do that today!)
Having said all this about the multi cylinder Japanese & Italian screamers, can you beat the sound and smell of a Manx, 7R or G50 through Glentrammon with Hailwood, Minter or the very underated Alan Shepherd on board?
I guess that the flying plumber and I are of an age, ( my first TT was 1954) so consider myself very lucky as through the 60's we saw all the works teams battling it out, and in those days you knew who was coming down the road by the sound of the bike as they were all so differant. Happy days. But I still get the same thrill now. Must be something in the Manx air....
Hi! again keith, I am a little older than you and started spectating before as well, but we both were lucky enough to see what you describe with all the teams fighting it out, and for points towards the world Championship as well.
Duke was my first hero (although anyone who rides the TT/MGP is a hero as far as I am concerned). I recall when it was thought Duke had done the first Ton lap, it was a big disappointment to me when he hadn't. I am pretty sure from Ramsey hairpin to ramsey hairpin he did, but that dont count.
I remember as a 8/9 year old being woken up by the bikes going along the prom (from the lockup garages) and making their way up to the start for morning practice, what a fabulous way to be roused by a Manx, 7R, G50 etc.
Have to say the Gilera was a revelation in every way for me and had an effect that remains with me to this day.
Its a long time ago now, but looking at the photograph of the bungalow as it was, its as if it was only yesterday, until I get out of the chair that is. :roll:
02-02-2008, 01:15 AM |
Keith Pursglove
TT Sounds
Sticky - Well said that man.
Running silenced bikes has taken away a lot of pleasure both on the Island and circuits all round the UK.
But as someone who has sat on the line with 39 other guys on unsilenced MX (whoops sorry) Scrambles bikes, I do have a little difficulty hearing things these days. I wonder why?
04-02-2008, 12:13 PM |
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sticky Wrote:Keith, you have my sympathy.... after riding a Morini 350 Sport with an unbaffled RMS race pipe on it for twenty-odd years, my hearing's a bit knackered too...
On reflection when I posted this article I should have made reference to the unbaffled bikes on the Island, when asking for TT sounds.
Your posts reminded me of what a huge difference there is between with and without baffled silencers.
I may have mentioned it before but on a still day (is it my imagination about those still days with the Tar melting in the heat and pre race warnings for the riders) no matter where you was on the course you could here those unbaffled bikes for miles and miles. The excitement they generated while awaiting the first man round was fantastic.
Some times even the TT regular spectators just stood and looked at each other with mouths wide open "speechless".
Changing topic slightly, when looking at the Bungalow photograph, just look at all the TT fans and the thing is, the vast majority were not motorcyclists. It just demonstrates what a unique event the TT is and was.
05-02-2008, 12:35 AM |
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05-02-2008, 11:13 AM |
and I was there... if not that morning another that week... amazing, evocative sound, and stuck under the trees, with the birds, the stillness, and then that!
08-02-2008, 12:10 AM |
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08-02-2008, 09:04 AM |
Kev from RRS.Com
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I'm pleased you posted, as I couldn't remember who had filmed that clip  and it's been bugging me for ages now :wink:
I posted that up for you on Sparks a few years back if you remember
08-02-2008, 12:29 PM |
Kev from RRS.Com
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08-02-2008, 01:52 PM |
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09-02-2008, 09:20 AM |