.... to the ridiculous!

.... to the ridiculous!

Anti-litter poster branded 'absolutely appalling'

A POSTER to dissuade smokers from dropping their cigarette butts has been branded 'absolutely appalling' by a Port Erin commissioner.
Luisa Gillow has threatened to resign if the poster is displayed in the village.

Anita Imberger, the tobacco strategy co-ordinator at the Department of Health and Social Services, wrote to all local authorities about a cigarette litter campaign and asking if they wanted to be involved.

The campaign includes posters to be displayed. One showed a cigarette covered in a fishnet stocking and reads: 'However you tart it up, it's still litter.'

Ms Gillow said: 'I protest in the strongest possible terms. I'm so sorry this has come about in the year 2008, I would have hoped we had come a bit further than that.

'If women – or men – wear that clothing, to say they are then a tart is really appalling. I am shocked. If this local authority gets offending literature I hope we are not putting it up. If we do, I will be resigning. It's absolutely appalling.'

At their latest meeting, commissioners' chairman Phil Crellin said he had 'no problem' with not using that poster and said because of its 'connotations we will not be displaying number three'.

'It would be nice to think other people would do the same.'

Ms Imberger said: 'This image was used successfully and without problems in the UK.

'The campaign images were based on extensive research into attitudes towards littering and the triggers and barriers to behaviour change.

'Their research identified distinct attitudinal/behavioural groups, and how best to target those groups. One of the key environments they found for addressing messages was pubs, clubs and bars. For this reason, high impact images were designed that were relevant to the group, with language that would be noticed and discussed.'

She added: 'We have to remember that the main reason the campaign is being launched, is to reduce cigarette litter problems. The ENCAMS images have been tried and tested, and their overall campaign resulted in a reduction of 33 per cent of cigarette litter. Our local campaign will include a selection of posters, and if this particular image is considered offensive in some locations, there are several other images that can be used.

'There are also varying individual interpretations of the words "tart it up", which include "to try to make (oneself) look smart and attractive".'

Oh, dear, what next... chair legs covered up???
08-09-2008, 12:55 PM
larryd Offline
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
Surely life is altogether too short for any attention whatsoever to be paid to the burblings of such as Ms Gillow?

What, pray, is the female gender of the word "cretin"?


smilie smilie smilie smilie
08-09-2008, 04:36 PM
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
No, Larry, that's stuff you make curtains from! Cretin is not gender sensitive! I think she has had a sense of humour bypass.
08-09-2008, 06:24 PM
larryd Offline
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
OK - I'll settle for "cretin"

ps - I did know about curtains!!
08-09-2008, 07:32 PM
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Carole Offline
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
Good grief, This has definetely brightened my Day- in this Day and age it's unbelievable that any Ms Mrs Mr or Master can really take such offence at a "tongue in cheek" poster, that designed to make us chuckle and take the message on board at the same time!

I have to wonder what kind of sheltered life Ms Gillow has led- you can't walk down the street nowadays without hearing bad language, and the Cinemas and TV are full of S**x, strong language and worse- come on Ms G a poster of a rather fetching fishnet stocking is nothing!

If she really wants to be shocked, I could invite her to spend a Day in our Service dept- Charles and co hold nothing back whilst they work, and have been known to wear fishnet at the Christmas party Rolleyes! (although they have stopped smoking....)
Life's too short- live it to the max and enjoy yourselves
10-09-2008, 01:19 PM
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Arthur Lawn Offline

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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
larryd Wrote:OK - I'll settle for "cretin"

ps - I did know about curtains!!

'Cretin' i believe is actually a medical term for someone who suffers lack of growth of the long bones ie a dwarf. Caused by under secretion of the thyroid gland.Rarer today as it is treatable but in my working life I came in contact with many and would therefore not use the word 'Cretin' to describe anyone.
11-09-2008, 11:18 AM
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Carole Offline
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
Agreed "cretin" is not the right word to use. One definition of the word "Tart" is "tasting sour like a lemon"- I personally think this is a perfect phrase to sum her up!
Life's too short- live it to the max and enjoy yourselves
(This post was last modified: 11-09-2008, 01:24 PM by Carole.)
11-09-2008, 01:23 PM
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RE: .... to the ridiculous!
11-09-2008, 01:29 PM

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