Mallory Park Alterations

Mallory Park Alterations
Have you heard that Mallory Park is being altered. After leaving Gerrards take to Stebbe Straight for a shorter time then take a sharp left, around abouts the Stebbe circuit exit, followed by a right arriving back on Stebbe Straight for a very short time then onto the Lake Esses.
The powers (HA HA HA) that be at the ACU have deemed that the entry to the Esses is to dangerous and has to be slowed down.
Surely a small wall across the track or better still traffic lights or even a lollypop person (lets be politically correct), the ACU will have undoubtably considered these options before settling for the easily as crazy suggested alterations. I for one hope that Mallory will not lose its appeal or support follows this interference.
03-01-2003, 05:28 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
it was bad enough when they put that stupid bus stop chicane in. it causes more accidents than a little. we'll have to petition chris meek and get him to tell those who want these alterations to "sod off".
04-01-2003, 12:31 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
Theres been rumours around for years that they were going to extend Mallory into the area that youve mentioned, but as far as im aware it was nothing to do with safety reasons, just to give a longer track, looks like theyve finally decided to do it.
04-01-2003, 02:19 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
Reason,no BSB at mallory 2003,could not gaurantee safety at esses.Horses bolted comes to mind.CHEERS BARNESIE.
06-01-2003, 09:27 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
Slightly uninformed Doug. If safety was an issue why race the Cadwell full curcuit, armco does not give and is a great deal closer than the tyre wall at the Esses.Better still remember Rockingham I am sure Hislop relishes seeing the armco. Will he race there again, yes obviously, will he be there at Cadwell, of course. If the Overends had knealt and kissed butt do you think we would all be at Mallory watching BSB, DUH....Methinks that the Overends did not bow to the financial ransom and other demands of the profiteers of the sport. Mallory is under the guidance of the Overends and not Brands Hatch Leisure...The ACU or indeed the MCRCB, never forget that. We should support Mallory as our racing heritage....LEAVE WELL ALONE
06-01-2003, 11:19 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
totally agree with you buz, leave the damned place as it is. have some great memories of this lovely fast flowing circuit. i won't bore the pants off you with all of them, a few will suffice. watching steve bonhomme's get off after exiting gerards, fred merkels wasn't bad, but bonhommes was better. watching dave hill on the bmw flying brick exiting the hairpin, up onto the back wheel for 50 yards and then steaming down the devils elbow [no chicane then]. watching the loony lc brigade go round gerards in the wet as though they couldn't see water, andy muggleton, dave ball, bozzy, ray stringer and all the rest, superstars [in my eyes] like stu mellon . watching colin breeze thrash the pants off alcomers on the mighty atom. watching schwantz, hairnet, marshall and all the rest on 500 two strokes flying up to the hairpin. wonderful place. i'm going for a lie down now, i've come over all nostalgic!!!
p.s. and can't forget steve bevington, untouchable on a 350 in his day
07-01-2003, 07:21 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
I have been informed today from an outside source that Mallory hasnt been granted a track certificate yet for the coming season,i hope this information is incorrect as it holds brilliant memories for me & thousands of enthuiasts.
07-01-2003, 09:00 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
stone me pykey, i thought you were hibernating for the winter? see ya soon, march perhaps?
07-01-2003, 09:15 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
I live just down the road about 4 miles away and this is the first i have heard of these alterations.
A few years back at a EMRA meeting they had Max Vincent riding Mallory backwards! there have been many different plans b4 and none have come off so it does'nt mean 2 say this one will.
11-01-2003, 04:04 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
i bet that was fun! imagine blasting over the start-finish line and UP the devil's elbow, or screaming down the stebbe straight and slinging into gerrards LEFT hander! by the way, whatever happened to max? haven't seen him for a few years.
11-01-2003, 05:53 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
Ade they used to use Brands back to front the hutchison 100 i think?
11-01-2003, 06:05 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
Yer Max has kinda given up he's just a race school instructer these days Jay has'nt a clue where he's going next year either he told my Dad that this year that Spanish team would steal his or Leon's engine and give it the Spanish rider after they'd set it up!!!
11-01-2003, 06:46 PM

Re: Mallory Park Alterations
both gp riders deserved better, both in treatment and results. pykey, yes, you're right, brands was run on the indie circuit anti-clockwise. bet that was fun as well. up paddock bend?
11-01-2003, 07:26 PM

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