TT 2009 and drinking and riding
ian huntly Offline
Ian TTFan Huntly

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TT 2009 and drinking and riding
I have had a brief sleep but now wish to put forward one or two comments , on which I hope you will, er, comment.

Perhaps the Bushys beer tent on the prom doesn't attract so many people these days.

So I took time to visit some of the Camping Platzes to ask why the "internees" don't go down to the prom anymore. The reply in many cases was firstly lack of parking but also that the drink driving (riding) was becoming a no no. So they send out a couple of bikes with sidecars, or a 4x4, into town for cans and comestibles and then have barbecues and/or quality drinking sessions. Once in a torpor they just have to roll into bed there.

I would ask Martin B. if he had considered selling or lending on deposit, big "hogs" (not H.D.s) or "firkins" to the camp sites so the proper ale in draught mode could be drunk instead of or as well as canned beer etc. I'm not sure whether licences have to be issued for this in this kind of situation but I do believe our tightening drinking laws are now making it difficult for pubs to make money where travelling to and from the pub, under the eagle eyes of the law, puts a lot of people off.

Smaller Bushy tents could be put up at one, two or three of the sites next year, telling us where they will be >???? Would we need police present >??

As for the promenade was more for the residents than for the fans perhaps ??

In 2015 I celebrate 68 years as a devoted TTFan

Bookingfor 2016 !!
(This post was last modified: 13-06-2009, 05:24 PM by ian huntly.)
13-06-2009, 05:18 PM
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Gstarron Offline

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
Hmm... I was doing a search for a video clip from "No Limit"... (EVERY person that goes to the IOM, or races in the TT or MGP should be made to watch (by force if needed..!) No Limit...!! Maybe see it two or three times... memorize some of those turns, and how to properly make said TT course turns..!! (just kidding)..

But then I found this... and OH MY... how wonderful..!!


Ron - still no word on our MGP Entry....
20-06-2009, 05:52 AM
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ian huntly Offline
Ian TTFan Huntly

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
I say, dear fellow, thank you for your visit to my site(s).

When I relate my stories about the TT I place a lot of emphasis on "No Limit", since it was pure TT from the olden days, with black leathers, no fairings, pudding basin helmets. £10 fee to enter, early morning practice, a fair, landaus on the prom, hotel bill for two weeks at £5.19.6, practice allowed in the bedroom, and an ability to get to the start from Douglas Head on the back of a tricycle in time to fill your correct slot and also be kissed by the love interest as you push off......and win the race after running out of petrol !! Eh Lad, them were the days and no mistake !

A bit different nowadays, though I did see Mrs McGuinness kiss Mr McGuinness before he set out on his record breaking ride this year.

I would love it if you would all look at my site which shows just how much the TT has been a major part of my life. is the up-to-date url and I hope you will also see my on-going experiment with 3D on

Roll on TT 2010 - I'm booked.....Are YOU ???? see

In 2015 I celebrate 68 years as a devoted TTFan

Bookingfor 2016 !!
(This post was last modified: 20-06-2009, 11:08 AM by ian huntly.)
20-06-2009, 11:04 AM
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Gstarron Offline

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
Wow and WOW..! The more I read from your WEB sites the more I smile... great writing..!!

I have shared the links to some of my pals.. I know they will enjoy the reading..!

I laughed so hard on reading about morning practice that I almost choked on my cereal..! I must say, that I have only done the Manx Grand Prix (we love the old bikes more than the new ones), starting with 2000, 02, 04, 05. 07. 08... and with any luck this year as well... in the first three trips, I came over with 3 pals, we all brought our old BSA's bikes with us from the States. In 2002, we found a true "home away from home" to stay at.. near Ago's Leap. Not unusual for me, I got sick on the trip over, I caught a nasty cold on the airplane.. We landed in Manchester, picked up our bikes and rode around England then to Liverpool and the Ferry to the IOM. By the time that happened I was really sick... We had a late Ferry sailing and got to the IOM near midnight... in the dark and drizzly weather we finally found our lodgings... I went to bed soon after, while the other lads stayed up and socialized with our hosts.. (and drank for a while...). None of us had an alarm clock... somehow I woke up just before daylight, got dressed and dragged myself to the curb... minutes before the first bike set off..! Barooombah...! There went the first bike... a few minutes later my pal Davey showed up... big grin on his face as the bikes kept coming.... such wonderful noises..!!! The other two guys NEVER woke up... yet their room had an open window facing Ago's Leap.!!! How I woke up, I will never know.. but this is my best memory of morning practice...

Time for me to hit the road here... I am in FULL PRESS mode to raise the much needed funds to get my racer shipped over for the Manx.. There is a big gathering tomorrow about 6 hours away... One way or another I will be there..!!!

Those that go to the IOM KNOW it is magical..!! Those that have never been are missing out on a big part of life..! The people, the place, the bikes, the atmosphere... can not be duplicated anywhere else..!


20-06-2009, 05:03 PM
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larryd Offline
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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
Just remember, Ron, don't ever be tempted to swap the Manx for the TT!!

Manx is Yahoo Yahoo

TT is Censored2 Censored2
20-06-2009, 05:56 PM
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Gstarron Offline

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
Hi Larry... No way would I give up the Manx..! My heart is in the olde bikes, and to see and hear them is awesome..!!! The Sunday gathering at Castletown is like the BEST sex one could have.... only it lasts longer..!!! Oh my... hope I do not get scolded for that one..!!! heh heh heh....

If the darn electric race bike thing goes over, I would have to find something else to do during their time on the course... they make no noise..! They should make a rule that the riders have to make Barooom noises when ever there are spectators around... Smile


21-06-2009, 04:59 AM
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Tomcat Offline

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
I think the OP is valid..... times change and having a pint or two before riding is frowned upon (as no doubt speeding will be one day). Not saying it's a good idea to get bladdered before riding but now we don't do anything that's perceived as dangerous. I'm surprised we don't live forever, so improved is safety today.

Only kidding. If Bushys is less popular these days perhaps that's because there are fewer people staying in Douglas hotels these days?
(This post was last modified: 22-06-2009, 11:40 PM by Tomcat.)
22-06-2009, 11:39 PM
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Chris Maybury Offline

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RE: TT 2009 and drinking and riding
Back to the original BOOZE issue, I was was camping at the Glenlough Farm site where a substantial "Beer Tent" was well patronised by the inmates.

If I remember correctly (through the Guinness haze) the bar was provided and staffed by the nearby Railway pub and duly licenced to be there. The evenings featured various music performers.

The only problems were:-

- The chair legs easily sank into the ground, giving the impression that the occupier was drunk. Rolleyes Rolleyes

- The relatively cold nights caused some unplanned night time Pit Stops smilie smilie

The Quayle family run a well organised camp site with good facilities.
***A Balanced Meal is a FULL PINT in Each Hand***
25-06-2009, 08:23 AM
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