
Have a look at <A HREF=""></A>, and see what happened at Jurby
That link is time-limited to today Sat 5 April, I think, but you can acces it later in the archive.
<A HREF=""></A> is a great site for Manx news..check it every day!
05-04-2003, 07:33 AM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
I would like to point out that the transponders were up at jurby to test them out for the first time,they do not come into full use till the june meeting,it was thought that if we were going to have any problems (which we did)it was better to happen when everyone was getting used to them.
The actual timeing on the day was done with the stop watches as in previous years,and anyone that knows that type of timing you always use a spotter when possible.
The club seems to be getting a lot of stick for trying to progress and improve the running of meetings etc
05-04-2003, 06:06 PM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
I actually think they are a very good idea, Terry...don't mean to give you stck. Every new thing needs time to sort out the gremlins. Good luck with the transponders.
05-04-2003, 07:06 PM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
05-04-2003, 07:15 PM

next thing?
Set your imagination for the year 2000, it used to say, but we'll set ours for 2008. All the riders will carry GPS transponders that will signal their exact speed, location and race position to their crew and the commentators, continuously. The Boy Scouts' board will be replaced by a big screen depiction of the course with all the riders' positions on the road and corrected at all times. Following the race will be quite easy!

Then I'll zoom home on my atomic powered hover-jet, into the arms of the digitally-enhanced main squeeze. I'm getting carried away.
05-04-2003, 07:36 PM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
I'm one of those who has a problem with the transponder issue.
My problem is not with the transponders but the way the cost is forced upon riders.
I do not ever remember ever being charged for the timekeepers stopwatches nor for computers when they were first introduced so why oh why must I pay for a transponder or in my own case two of the pesky things
05-04-2003, 11:16 PM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
I dont believe in technology for technologies sake and a few people getting rich from selling transponders at mine and my fellow competitors expense when we have a tried and tested system which has been in use for almost 100 years.
05-04-2003, 11:48 PM

Re: transponders,transponders,transponders..
Helen,you taken a fall off your broomstick?No,seriously,I think they will be good when the problems have been ironed out,but privateers should not be made to shell out for them until they are proven
06-04-2003, 08:05 AM

#9 see, this is how I look at it....
Club racers these days use machinery, mods and tchniques that, just a few years ago, were Grand Prix stuff. Their bikes cost an arm and a leg, and they understandably want to be credited with their lap times and their plces accurately.
There is one weak link in this process, and that's the hardworking, but sometimes fallible volunteer timekeepers...after all, you wouldn't want me running along sticking my broomstick in your wheel at the appropriate moment to slow you down for that hairpin, so you spend money on good brakes.
Sadly, too, some people are less than understanding when the aforementioned timekeeper makes a mistake...or they think she/he has. I would get my broomstick stuck somewhere unspeakable if I rammed it their wheel at the wrong time...
How many times have we rushed out to the racing goodie shop and bought a totally unsuitable or inadequately tested gizmo that will guarantee our world championship, only to discard it later. Years later the mark 937 version is perfect..we have to be the guineapigs, otherwise how will we ever get the system right.
I know its more money, but who else is to be responsible for the cost?
Tell you what, if you all stop buying me all these drinks, you should be able to afford it.....
07-04-2003, 07:38 PM

Re: see, this is how I look at it....
Better still,will somebody sponsor Helen to a new broomstick,suitably equipped with carbon brakes,GPS navigation,and above all,a transponder,so she can tell us how much faster it is to travel by broomstick than the Steam Racket Co!
08-04-2003, 07:24 AM

Re: see, this is how I look at it....
Wheeeee...definitely faster, and even with all the latest mods, bound to be cheaper too.
Actually, I jave booked with that well-known witches transport co..EuroManx. The seats are more comfortable!
08-04-2003, 09:08 AM

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