Jones’ sensational ride against the elements

Jones’ sensational ride against the elements
Craig Jones scored a brilliant seventh place finish for Triumph ValMoto at Knockhill. After taking pole position in dramatic style on Saturday, there was no way that the 18-year-old sensation was going to ease off for the race. True to form, he rode brilliantly and had it not been for one vital and entirely uncontrollable element he was almost guaranteed a place on the podium.

Read the full report here
18-05-2003, 06:02 PM

Re: Jones’ sensational ride against the elements
That was the first time I have seen him, and he is so talented. However, results today were often about tyre choice...ask poor old Michael Rutter. He looked SO despondent.
Believe me the elements were out to prove their versatility today..I have trench foot, frostbite, sunburn....
It was truly horrible weather, but there was some stunning riding. Shaky Byrne, young Craig....I could go on, but just watch it on Sky if you can.
18-05-2003, 07:18 PM

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