Friday Race Day - Senior Race, Report and Results
Malcolm Offline

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Friday Race Day - Senior Race, Report and Results
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Friday, June 7

13.00 - Pokerstars Senior TT (six laps) - Start List


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Friday will be another dry, sunny and warm day, with light winds again. Maximum temperatures will be between 17 and 21 Celsius.


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(This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 10:14 PM by Malcolm.)
07-06-2013, 09:56 AM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Friday Race Day - Senior Race
[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]

Various Updates

30 minute signal given at 12:30

Melting Tar reported up on the mountain road

They are away on time with James Hillier leading off down Glen Crutchery Road.

Next it is Cam Donald, then John McGuinness followed by Guy Martin, next it is Bruce Anstey, and then Michael Dunlop. Gary Johnson is next away followed by Michael Rutter and then Dan Stewart and next Conor Cummins.

Next goes William Dunlop then, Dan Kneen followe3d by Steve Mercer and then Dean Harrison, next is Ian Lougher at 15.

Daveid Johnson stalls on the line, then Simon Andrews goes followed by Ben Wylie.

Josh Brookes away followed by Jamie Hamilton, then Lee Johnson.

First through at Glen Helen is J Hillier followed closely by Donald and McGuinness, a gap to Guy Martin then comes Bruce Anstey and close behind is Micky Dunlop

Gary Johnson is in the lead at Glen Helen from McGuinness

G Johnson
J McGuinness
M Dunlop
W Dunlop
M Rutter
C Donald
B Anstey
J Hillier
G Martin
D Harrison

McGuinness sneaks in front of G Johnson at Ballaugh
Guy starting to move up the order now in 5th place
McGuinness clocked at 192 through the Sulby Speed Trap

RED Flag at Start Line, Glen Helen and Ramsey Hairpin

Incident on Bray Hill (no further info at the moment) - CofC announces the Start Line MUST be cleared
No 68 (Jonathan Howarth), was involved in the incident, he is ok
Tank Slapper on the way down Bray Hill and reports that there may be some injured spectators.

13:40 - Emergency Services at the scene with inured spectators being attended to. One person reported as "serious".

Inured Spectators being transported to Nobles hospital.

Race situation Update announcement due at 14:00hrs.

13:50 All riders who are out on the course are being collected by the Travelling Marshals and are being escorted back to the Paddock.

ACU Statement - 11 Spectators involved in the incident at 13:07 with injuries ranging from slight to serious but none are life threatening, no police investigation, racing incident, scene is being cleared in preparation for a possible re-start of the race.

Race Control are awaiting to hear from Nobles Hospital to confirm that they have the resources to restart the Senior TT

Further information to be announced at 14:45 hrs.

Manx Radio reporter David Harrison was watching at Bray Hill and described what happened:

Listen To Related Audio Clip
(Courtesy Manx Radio)

14:50 - Roads remain closed although Crossing Points are going to be opened for 1 hour.

15:20 - Intentions to start the Senior Race at 16:30 and this will still be a 6 lap race.

15:45 - 45 minute to start klaxon sounded.

16:00 - 30 minute signal to start.

16:15 - 15 minute signal to go


Reports of Melting Tarmac around parts of the course

And IT'S GO once again with James Hillier leading them off down Glencrutchery Road.

Now goes Cam Donald. John McGuinness, Guy Martin, Bruce Anstey & Michael Dunlop

Next it is Gary Johnson, Michael Rutter, Dan Stewart and Conor Cummins

Now it's William Dunlop followed by Dan Kneen, then Steve Mercer and then Dean Harrison, next goes Ian Lougher and then David Johnson, followed by Simnon Andrews and then Ben Wylie.

No one at 19, then it's Davy Morgan at 20. Josh Brookes gets away.

Hillier goes through first at Glen Helen and then it's Cam Donald followed by John McGuinness

G Johnson
W Dunlop
M Dunlop
M Rutter
J McGuinness
B Anstey

M Dunlop nips into the lead at Ballaugh with a 0.3 sec lead over G Johnson
McGuinness clocks a 192.3 at Sulby

Ramsey Lap 1.

M Dunlop +1.1
G Johnson
J McGuinness
W Dunlop
M Rutter
C Donald
B Anstey
G Martin
J Hillier
C Cummins

End of Lap 1

First through on the road is James Hillier then comes McGuinness closing in on him. 130.79 on his opening lap.
Cam Donald and then Guy Martin with a 130+
M Dunlop does a 130.965 from a standing start.
Top six riders all do 130+ laps

M Dunlop
J McGuinness
G Johnson
M Rutter
G Martin
W Dunlop
B Anstey
J Hillier
C Cummins
D Harrison

McGuiiness has got in front of James Hillier on the road at Glen Helen
Guy Martin has got in front of Cameron Donald

M Dunlop +1.0
J McGuinness + 6.0
G Johnson
M Rutter
G Martin

3 seconds between 3rd and 7th places
Jim Hodson and Josh Brookes bikes being wheeled away at the pits.
Guy does a 190+ through Sulby

Ramsey Lap 2

McGuinness leads on the road through Ramsey with James Hillier on his tail. Next through is Guy Martin.
Cam Donald splutters to a halt, but then gets going again.

J McGuinness + 0.2
M Dunlop
G Martin
G Johnson
B Anstey
M Rutter
W Dunlop
J Hillier
C Cummins
D Harrison

McGuinness now 0.7 up on M Dunlop at the Bungalow
Gary Johnson slips back to 5th at the Bungalow
Bruce Anstey is up to 4th at the Bungalow

End of Lap 2 & into the pits for fuel

McGuinness is in and does a 131.272 (slowing down at that),
131.094 lap for Guy Martin

J McGuinness + 2.4
M Dunlop
G Martin
B Anstey
M Rutter
G Johnson (in and retires with a broken footrest)
J Hillier
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison

Cameron Donald retires at the pits.

McGuinness and Hillier together at Glen Helen
Guy comes through looking good
Dave Madsen-Mygdal still going strong in this race

J McGuinness + 0.5
M Dunlop
B Anstey
G Martin
M Rutter
J Hillier
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart
D Kneen

McGuinness +1.0 at Ballaugh

Ramsey Lap 3

McGuinness and Hillier go through together on the road.
Next it is Guy Martin, Michael Dunlop and Bruce Anstey more or less all together.

J McGuinness +1.4
M Dunlop + 10
B Anstey + 6.0
G Martin
J Hillier
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

McGuinness up by 2 secs at the Bungalow
Bruce Anstey now +7 on Guy Martin
Steve Mercer retires at Kirk Michael
Karl Harris retires at the pits

End of Lap 3

McGuinness goes through with Hillier on his tail
Guy Martin, M Dunlop and Bruce Anstey in that order
G Spence retires at the Creg

J McGuinness
M Dunlop
B Anstey
G Martin
J Hillier
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

Hillier is getting the best tuition of his life as he sticks to the tail of McGuinness through Glen Helen.
Three together, Guy Martin, M Dunlop and B Anstey
Dave Madsen-Mygdal still going strong.

J McGuinness + 3.0
M Dunlop
B Anstey
J Hillier
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

McGuinness now + 4 at Ballaugh
McGuinness slow though the Sulby Speed Trap at 165+ with M Dunlop doing a 189

Ramsey Lap 4

Two together through the hairpin - McGuinness and Hillier
Next through is M Dunlop B Anstey and Guy Martin all together

McGuinness +3.9
M Dunlop
B Anstey
J Hillier
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

McGuinness ups the lead to 5.3 at the Bungalow & now +7 at the Cronk

End of Lap 4 & into the pits once again

McGuinness does 131.127 on that lap with Hillier doing a 131.11

J McGuinness +6.0
M Dunlop
B Anstey
J Hillier
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

At the end of the pit stop McGuinness increases his led to 11.secs.
Jamie Hamilton retired at the pits. (previously)

Two together again on the road (McGuinness and Hillier) at Glen Helen, then three together Anstey, Dunlop and Martin.
Dave Madsen-Mygdal still going strong on his 4th lap

J McGuinness +8
M Dunlop + 9
B Anstey + 3
J Hillier
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop +21
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

M Dunlop closes the gap on McGuinness to -8 at Ballaugh
Hillier going really strong and sniffing at the heels of Bruce Anstey for that 3rd place.

Ramsey Lap 5

McGuinness first through with Hillier right on his tail
Now its Bruce Anstey, M Dunlop and Guy Martin who come through together (more or less)

J McGuinness + 8.2
M Dunlop + 10
B Anstey + 2
J Hillier + 17.5
G Martin + 25
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins
D Harrison
D Stewart

McGuinness increases his lead to + 9.5 at the Bungalow
Hillier closing in on Bruce Anstey with the gap only 0.5 sec at the Bungalow
Paul Owen gets a pit lane time penalty

End of Lap 5 - Start of Last Lap

McGuinness through with Hillier glued to his tail

McGuinness + 9.8
M Dunlop + 9
J Hillier + 0.1
B Anstey
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins

McGuinness showing Hillier how to do it around the mountain course as he leads him through Glen Helen once again.
M Dunlop, B Anstey and G Martin all come through safely.
Dave Madse-Mygdal still out there and going for his 101st finish.

McGuinness +11
M Dunlop + 10
J Hillier + 0.3
B Anstey
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop

At Ballaugh it's 11.7 secs between 1 & 2
Hillier is 0.5 up on Bruce Anstey at Ballaugh
McGuinness turning it on with a 190+ through Sulby on his last lap

Ramsey Last Lap

McGuinness runs through first on the road very smooth, with Hillier on his tail
Now M Dunlop, B Anstey and a gap to G Martin (in that order)
Dave Madsen-Mygdal goes through on his 5th lap

J McGuinness +12
M Dunlop + 8.5
J Hillier +1.6
B Anstey
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
C Cummins

Conor has gone missing at Ballaugh - Retired and he's ok.
Bruce pulls the gap back to 0.5 at the Bungalow

McGuiiness with Hillier come through at the Cronk together

Finish Line

Hillier and McGuinness over the line together.
McGuinness takes his 20th TT win

J McGuinness +10
M Dunlop + 7.5
B Anstey + 1.0
J Hillier
G Martin
M Rutter
W Dunlop
D Harrison
D Stewart

(This post was last modified: 07-06-2013, 06:22 PM by Malcolm.)
07-06-2013, 12:53 PM
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Malcolm Offline

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RE: Friday Race Day - Senior Race
[Image: ttmonsterlogobig.jpg]


[Image: mcguinnesswinsenior.jpg]

John McGuinness took his 20th Isle of Man TT race victory on Friday when he won the Pokerstars Senior race by ten seconds from team-mate Michael Dunlop, to make it a record 41 podiums in total. Bruce Anstey took third place, and set the fastest lap of the race at 131.531mph, as he got the better of Lightweight TT race winner James Hillier by 0.978s on the final run down the Mountain.

After the initial race was red flagged due to an incident at Bray Hill involving rider Jonathan Howarth in which ten spectators were injured, the race got underway at 4.30pm and the first few laps were nothing short of superb as the gaps between the leading riders were minimal. It was Gary Johnson who grabbed the lead at Glen Helen by 0.5s from William Dunlop with Michael Dunlop just 0.05s further back! Michael Rutter slotted into fourth as McGuinness found himself down in fifth.

It was all change at Ramsey though as Michael Dunlop hit the front for the first time, Johnson now second and McGuinness third. At the end of the lap, the order was still with the first five riders all over 130mph and only seven seconds between them, Dunlop leading from McGuinness, Johnson, Rutter and Guy Martin.

[Image: mcpiintontheroad.jpg]

McGuinness began to make his move on the second lap and, after edging ahead by just five hundredths of a second at Ballaugh, he completed his second lap at 131.272mph to open up a 2.4s lead. Dunlop was 4.8s ahead of Martin with Bruce Anstey up to fourth and ahead of Rutter as Johnson was forced to retire with a broken foot assembly.

Another slick pit stop by McGuinness’ Honda TT Legends crew saw him leave the pits with a bigger lead but by Glen Helen the gap was down to half a second although McGuinness had doubled this by Ramsey. It was nip and tuck all the way and at half race distance there was two seconds between the duo, Anstey in third ahead of Martin and Hillier, who had relegated Rutter to sixth.

On the fourth lap, McGuiness appeared to have broken Dunlop slightly and, for the first time, his lead increased the whole way round. Leading on the road with Hillier right in his wheeltracks, the pair lapped at over 131mph as they came into their second pit stop and whilst it allowed McGuinness to go seven seconds clear of Dunlop, it also allowed Hillier to not only move up to fourth but also close up on Anstey.

[Image: mdunlopandanstey.jpg]

Fifth time around and McGuinness’ lead crept up to the ten second mark, Hillier continued to have a great education behind the current King of the Mountain whilst the thousands of fans around the track were also being treated to an on-track duel between Anstey and Donald. McGuinness and Dunlop looked safe but third place was anyone’s and as the riders headed into their sixth and final lap, Hillier had nosed ahead albeit by the tiny margin of 0.16s!

The final lap saw the leading four riders all lap in excess of 131mph, Hillier and Anstey both setting personal best laps, but it was McGuinness who was celebrating the most as he took his 20th TT win, and his 41st podium, by 10.1s. Dunlop ended his phenomenal week with a second place and, in a thrilling last lap, Anstey set the fastest lap of the race, 131.531mph, to get the better of Hillier for third.

Martin took fifth with Rutter in sixth, the Midlands rider delighted with his first 130mph+ laps. William Dunlop took seventh from Dean Harrison and Dan Stewart with Australian David Johnson securing his best TT result in tenth.

Lee Johnston was the best of the Privateer’s in 11th and that allowed him to take that particular Championship by ten points from Dan Kneen, who took 12th in today’s race.

[Image: mcpintatstart.jpg]

The race was delayed by 3 1/2 hours following the incident on Bray Hill.

The Race organisers issued the following statement:

"ACU Events Ltd can confirm that 10 spectators were injured during an incident in the Senior TT Race. The rider Jonathan Howarth sustained a minor fracture. The race was red flagged and emergency services were immediately in attendance at the scene.

The ten spectators and the rider were taken to hospital with injuries ranging from slight to serious but not life threatening. Four of the spectators have been discharged, five of the injured have been kept in hospital and one remains under observation in the emergency department."

07-06-2013, 10:14 PM
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