A difficult TT

A difficult TT
I came home here wondering which way up I was. The deaths and injuries, less than most years ironically, seemed so close to home.
Peter Jarmann, as well as an honorary Manxman, was much loved here in Scotland. Gail, David and I had a couple of lovely meals made by Ede in the awning of the famous bus. That bus was so recognisable it should be a national monument.
DJ looked like being the Joey of the future....so many years to give us, such an unassuming guy. Milky's accident was so upsetting, and I am so relieved he will be well soon. Good luck to Richard and Lydia with the little Milky Bar when she/he arrives.
On the positive side, Kirsten and Andy Laidlow have a wee Manxman to take home with them. I was particularly touched, as he arrived on what would have been Mam's 80th birthday. A very special little boy, Jack Laidlow.
Saw so many dear people, Barbara and Barry Wood, Larry Devlin, Russ Henley, Geoff Duke, Jean-Michel Prudon, Luisa and her 2 friends from Torino, Mig from France, Yuki, the Dowty family, Gwen Crellin, Malcolm etc etc etc....friends old and new, with one thing in common....a deep love of the Isle of Man and the TT.
A particular pleasure to introduce Nigel to the delights of the podium!
I'll be over for the Southern100 in a month, and hope to see many of you then, and perhaps catch up with some I missed.
08-06-2003, 04:19 PM

Re: A difficult TT
I'm particularly sorry I missed you this year---The Press Office was not an ideal place to meet up !!!

I came home feeling great physically, but a bit depressed about the TT in general--

I hope it resolves itself, or we could be running into trouble in the next few years !

Anyone else got this feeling ????

09-06-2003, 07:44 PM

Re: A difficult TT
We all have Ian,and a certain Press Officer needs to pull his socks up so we all know who wins what and who stops where etc.If he doesn't want to tell us,let somebody who does
09-06-2003, 08:00 PM

Re: A difficult TT
Not only is he not doing the job himself, he is actively blocking those who would willing do it at no cost to him.
09-06-2003, 08:31 PM

Re: A difficult TT

Can't say I've ever felt great physically after the TT :-(
09-06-2003, 10:10 PM

Re: A difficult TT
10-06-2003, 01:06 PM

Re: A difficult TT
I don't think anyone here could disagree with you Russ.Can we have a rebellion? Nobody to start a TT unless the ACU forfeits all their lunches or donates the ticket money to the rescue helicopter.Do you think we stand a chance,lol?
10-06-2003, 11:04 PM

Re: A difficult TT
11-06-2003, 09:58 AM

Re: A difficult TT
Who engages the ACU to run the TT?
11-06-2003, 10:40 AM

Re: A difficult TT
I think it is the Manx Government/tourism dept.
Don't quote me on that but I'm sure it is. Mind you, you now what would happen if they asked someone else to do it , the ACU would more than likely spit the dummy and call it a 'non recognised' event and anyone taking part would have their ACU licence removed, a bit like Spain? I think its Spain who don't let their riders do the TT isn't it?
The Manx Motorcycle Club would do a better job, they seem to do well at the MGP and thats basically the same isn't it?
As far as the off track stuff well I'm sure the Tourism dept could use someone in their realms to sort that, think of the money they would save!! I reckon after all the money they would save not paying the ACU they would deserve a nice LARGE LUNCH at the end of the fortnight :-)
11-06-2003, 11:01 AM

Re: A difficult TT
Seems like catch 22, if you get rid of the ACU then you lose all the star riders.
So it is only the Manx Govt that can put the pressure on the ACU.
I wonder if there is anyone in the Govt who isn't in the thrall of the ACU has got the ba##s.
If there is such a person, then if everyone involved, name riders, teams, manufactures, sponsors, local businesses and fans were to put pressure on that person to confront the ACU with list of things that need changing it could possibly happen.
It will only be by combined pressure that change will happen.
As long as the ACU know they have the trump cards then they will just continue to do as it is reported they are doing.
Interesting problem isn't it?
11-06-2003, 12:45 PM

Re: A difficult TT
You up for it Don?
11-06-2003, 09:40 PM

Re: A difficult TT
I will get a quote to you as soon as possible Hilary!!
12-06-2003, 03:55 AM

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