Well she's still with us, yeah I know you can never keep a good woman down
Went up to see her tonight and am not long back.
She will be staying in Ninewells for some time by the looks of it as both ankles have been pinned/plated. She is in a lot of pain still at the moment, this isn't expected to go away in the near future either, although because of a problem with trying to keep a drip in her (just skin and bones :eek

she's no longer on the pump.
She's been measured for a wheel chair (think they are trying to find a kiddies size one

). I'm sure that as soon as they are happy for her to get out of bed so we can wheel her out of the ward her mobile will be switched back on and gossiping will commence
I'm heading back up that way tomorrow and am thinking of taking up a printed copy of well wishes from this and other sites
Not much more to add other than I know she appriciates all your thoughts
Ride safe Ride free