Sincere question.

Sincere question.
Does anyone know if there are any recommendations to come from the inquest.
21-08-2003, 10:18 PM

Re: Sincere question.
That's what would interest me, harvey. Stella and I have talked about the need for lessons to be learned by everyone, so this doesn't happen again.
There will always be accidents. At the speed these guys are going it just takes the flicker of an eyelash for disaster to strike. However, we need to know that everthing that can be done to either avoid accidents, or deal well with the results, is being done.
I wonder how often procedures are reviewed, given the incredible increase in speeds by all levels of competitor nowadays.
As a past and probably future marshal myself, I would welcome accredited training, provided over the winter at all race circuits and on the Island, so that transferable skills could be established, and recognised, and briefings/training could be offered to give specific guidance for example on circuit knowledge at each venue. Some recognition, in the form of refunds based on the amount of service provided would be very much welcomed by some of our foreign volunteers at least.
Some would, no doubt not take up the cash, seeing it as a could be assigned to their favourite charity, or to a named rider.
Invitations to the presentations, a raffle for a meal with a chosen rider, etc etc...come on Minister of Fun..
23-08-2003, 09:50 AM

Re: Sincere question.
23-08-2003, 11:19 AM

Re: Sincere question.
Without any prejudice to what has lead up to these discussions and disregarding any recommendations, I believe that the management of motorcycle road racing needs to constantly be reviewing the situation.
As Helen has reminded us, the fantastic speeds now being reached by our Heros leave only micro seconds to recover from nasty moments so accidents are bound to happen.
We have all seen the gradual tightening of scrutineering standards and we welcome the safety lead ones.
Marshals are like Air Traffic Controllers, working in a "Three Dimensioal" world with an ever changing situation. Most (all)incidence are unique, demanding split second decisions and immediate communication with others, be it debris on the track or an accident.
I have studied the contents of the TT Marshals web site and applaud the efforts of that dedicated bunch of heros. Although much effort is put into training, I believe that what Helen said about a wider catchment net is really needed with off season "mainland" training sessions and acreditation. Funding is another question. I don't think that many applicants would seek rewards, some may just need a contribution towards expenses.
23-08-2003, 02:48 PM

Re: Sincere question.
I am sure that Lottery/Sports Council funding could be found, and training could be a coordinated systematic thing, which, by being accredited could be linked to parallel qualifications in careers, so people would put it on their CV.
While most people would not specifically want payment, most would be glad of it, and certainly I know my German friends simply found it too expensive this year. Where else do you have to pay out of your own pocket to provide a life saving service to others.
23-08-2003, 05:58 PM

Re: Sincere question.
What i would like to know is "do they not have to have a specified amount of marshalls before practise / racing can even begin ? " and if so why are associated websites begging for marshalls on their forums ?
I have the greatest respect for all marshalls and the work they do but during the TT and now again at the Manx GP i have seen these requests and just felt i had to ask ?
23-08-2003, 06:12 PM

Re: Sincere question.
Stella, I will give you my opinion which could well upset many people but I believe this is a valid point. The races are bigger than the safety issues and as long as that is the criteria then compromises will be made that could be detrimental to safety.

23-08-2003, 07:18 PM

Re: Sincere question.
23-08-2003, 08:50 PM

Re: Sincere question.
The situation in Australia is that everyone who officiates at a motorcycle meeting of any code, must be licenced (no cost). Risk management is number one priority. There are four levels of accrediation, the lowest level zero where an official works under supervision, level 1, club meeting,etc, level 4 for international meetings, this accrediation covers everyone from marshals to Clerk of Course. We cannot go up a level until we have officiated at meetings and attended compulsory seminars and completed assesments. The cost of these seminars are met by each state's governing bodies (i.e. the equivalent to your ACU). We get no monitary rewards, just do it for the love of the sport, but fully understand the responsibities involved.
23-08-2003, 11:35 PM

Re: Sincere question.
23-08-2003, 11:38 PM

Re: Sincere question.
In Canada the situation is similar to Australia's. The Canadian Race Communications Association, which I belonged to a long time ago , trains and provides volunteer marshals to all types of motorsport events across the country.

The Motorsport Marshalling service is focused on Mosport, a 2 1/2 mile road racing circuit. They require you to attend two days of classroom and trackside instruction. Then as a trainee you begin working under the supervision of a senior marshal for at least 15 track days before you qualify for your licence.

Just a thought, is there a firm that might sponsor training and transportation for marshals and other volunteers without whom there would not be a TT? Surely that would be wonderful public relations for some company as well as giving more recognition to the role of the volunteers.

Here is a link to the marshalling site, if anyone would like to read more about their programme:

<A HREF=""></A>
24-08-2003, 12:51 AM

Re: Sincere question.
Just a suggestion.
Can all these observations and comments find their way to the TT Think Tank?
24-08-2003, 08:23 AM

Re: Sincere question.
Thankyou Mike and others for your reply`s and yes Chris, i sincerely hope that this "thread" does make its way to the TT think tank ! I have a suspicion that someone, somewhere, will have already read it but will it be acted on ?...Hope so.
24-08-2003, 10:06 AM

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