Where to begin?.....

Where to begin?.....
Hi folks,
Long time no speak!

First off I'd like to thank everyone who wrote,sent cards,flowers, visited, phoned etc while I was laid up in the hospital. It was all very much appreciated. It was a very traumatic time for me and my family, and the support we recieved was overwhelming and I can't thank you all enough.

Secondly, I was at East Fortune on the Saturday,(this weekend) and everyone was so kind. It must have been difficult for some people to see me in a wheelchair, as everyone is used to me running around like a "Loony" but a big thank you to all the people who stopped and spoke to me. It's been pretty hard adapting to my new wheels but I'm getting there!

A BIG Thanks goes out to Torquil Paterson who did a fantastic job riding my 125 at the weekend, he was awesome! Thanks also to his wife Erin and wee son Lewis, (who thought I was a big dolly in a pram and loved pushing me about the pits!) He's a star in the making! And last but not least, his Dad George who did an excellent job of making sure I could see the action on the track, by wheeling me to various vantage points.(we wont mention almost dropping me out of the chair though! :-)

The weekend was fantastic, and it really hit home to me how much the people in this sport are there for everyone else, we really are all part of a huge family, and at the end of the day I wouldn't want to be a part of any other sport.

Once again thanks to EVERYONE.
With Love from Lisa Ross and family.
16-09-2003, 09:39 PM

Re: Where to begin?.....
Glad you enjoyed your day out Lisa. I know you had a good chat with Alex sorry i only got to say "hello" was hoping to chat after Bryans races. Its a special place is East Fortune.
Stella x
16-09-2003, 10:52 PM

Re: Where to begin?.....
Sorry I missed you on Saturday. I didn't get there till Sunday, and you'd zoomed off by then.
Try to behave and not fall out of the chair too often. Hope you get better soon, but I know its not all plain sailing.Good luck and keep in touch.
17-09-2003, 12:13 AM

Re: Where to begin?.....
Hiya Lisa,

Glad you had a good day out and hope you are feeling better for it.

Maybe you can get 3 wheels on your chair and know what it is like to be a sidecar passenger...I'll drive...lol.

I still have your phone number stored somewhere in the memory of my mobile so you never know..haha....you might get a call from a Manxie.

All the best honey to you and the family =)

17-09-2003, 09:54 AM

Re: Where to begin?.....
Thats it, there goes the neighbourhood, she's remembered how to use a keyboard ;-)

Good to see you here again, chat later
17-09-2003, 06:43 PM

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