Don't read Aust Moto GP results

Don't read Aust Moto GP results
1. Rossi
2. Capirossi
3. Hayden
4. Gibernau
5. Ukawa

Rossi docked 10 sec for passing under yellow but still won.
Baylis down but ok.
Rossi carries flag with No. 7 in memory of Barry Sheene on victory lap.

19-10-2003, 06:46 AM

Re: Don't read Aust Moto GP results
Watched this in my jamas. What a ride by Rossi! He is truly awesome. Shame about Troy, and when was Biaggi ever last!!
19-10-2003, 08:02 AM

Re: Don't read Aust Moto GP results
Hi Don, no real reason to celebrate for us Aussies totally except for Anth West and the fact that Troy is okay. Looked awful, didn't it. I was very unhappy with Casey Stoner...again...but forgave him when it was revealed he had rear brake problem. How about Mr. Rossi, absolute magic, and the tribute to Barry Sheene showed just how amazingly popular he was in Oz and how very much we miss him. I treasure the photo my friend and I had taken with him as I'm sure it would have been one of his last taken with a couple of ol' girls and I have JoJo and Glen English to thank for this. On a happier note I am meeting up with some friends I met at the 1990 TT in Cairns in December for the third time which just goes to show what lovely people you meet in the road racing scene and what lasting friendships are formed, especially through the Isle of Man.
19-10-2003, 09:15 AM

Re: Don't read Aust Moto GP results
Well if you are going to Cairns you have to go through Brisbane. Bring your swimming togs and call in on us for a barbie. The togs are optional!
19-10-2003, 10:15 AM

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