Praise for Marshals

Praise for Marshals
Good to see the TT and MGP marshals receiving some richly deserved official praise this week. The following is taken from the Manx Radio website :

"Tourism Minister David Cretney has praised the marshalling of the TT and Manx Grand Prix.

Marshals were criticised during the inquest into the death of nine-time TT winner David Jefferies in August.

However, in response to a written Tynwald question from Onchan MHK Adrian Earnshaw, Mr Cretney said the hundreds of marshals did a superb job and, but for their efforts, there would be no races.

He said the race organisers worked closely with the TT Marshals Association to promote training programmes and underpin effective marshalling on the course.

And he says a long-term programme to raise standards will continue to be driven forward."

25-10-2003, 06:01 PM

Re: Praise for Marshals
It's nice to see some recognition for the lads and lasses that marshal. They only seem to get a mention when something has gone wrong, and stand quietly and efficiently in the shadows when everythings going OK.

John Hulme
26-10-2003, 08:41 PM

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