TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
Wilsod Offline
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TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
01-08-2016, 01:03 PM
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DBD 34 Offline

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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
Watched last night, my god, what a bunch of egotistical morons.
Thought it funny when the Chief Constable told his minions to just go out and enjoy themselves, they must have edited out where he said but make sure the paying public don't.......
Thought the police presence this year was totally over bearing and throttled the life out of the event.
We do not need patrol cars at every junction for gawds sake.
04-08-2016, 10:19 PM
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Nev14 Offline

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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
What carnage there might have been if there had not been a police car at Brandywell when a car started going the wrong way round the course with it being one way.
(This post was last modified: 05-08-2016, 07:53 AM by Malcolm.)
05-08-2016, 12:06 AM
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Mountain Top Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
I think they do a wonderful job, and deserve everybody's respect, abide by the law and there's nothing to fear. It's the few that spoil it for the many. I can remember being passed by a police car one afternoon at the Gooseneck on his way to an accident...when we got to the scene,it was complete carnage! The police officers face,I can only describe as stricken! and I've never forgotton it. It must take it's toll on all the Manx police, not knowing what they are going to find when they go on a shout! A bit of light heartiness from the Chief Constable would have put them at ease I'm sure. Where else in the world would you see a Copper exchanging hats with a race fan for a photo shoot?
05-08-2016, 02:01 PM
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Chrisp955 Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
How anyone can have a go at the Manx police or the officers that come over is beyond me.
Helpful funny give you plenty of leeway. Top job if you ask me.
05-08-2016, 02:07 PM
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dommyman Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
The only Morons I saw this year were a few members of the public riding like idiots. If you ride sensibly, the police presence has no effect on your enjoyment, and I think they do a great job, under very trying conditions. Also, I enjoyed the program.
05-08-2016, 05:15 PM
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Woffy Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
The best bit was when the copper tried to kick the door of the flat in. Probably about as useful as chucking a box of cornflakes at it.
05-08-2016, 08:23 PM
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DBD 34 Offline

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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
Haha love it...
I remember a couple of winters ago when there were a load of burglaries on the island, virtually every night fow about six weeks, still nobody has ever been caught and brought to justice for it.
That is why I get a bit wound up when people glorify the police, they couldn't catch a cold unless it was parked on a double yellow line or speeding.

Also, yes the copper done alright to apprehend the car at Brandywell, however, had he been doing what a good old fashioned constable would have been doing, i.e. Point duty, he would have seen the incident before it happened, instead he was sat on his (you know) probably eating an ice cream, enjoying himself etc.

Rant over.
05-08-2016, 10:24 PM
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Woffy Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
(05-08-2016, 10:24 PM)DBD 34 Wrote: That is why I get a bit wound up when people glorify the police, they couldn't catch a cold unless it was parked on a double yellow line or speeding.

Haha that's quality.
05-08-2016, 10:29 PM
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eman1948 Offline

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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
I have been to the island many times and I`ll be honest and think the Police do a good job handling the in flux of fans . Police on the main land could learn a great deal from them. I think they could be a lot tougher than what they are.
They have thumbs up from me.
06-08-2016, 06:53 AM
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civ Offline

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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
(04-08-2016, 10:19 PM)DBD 34 Wrote: Thought the police presence this year was totally over bearing and throttled the life out of the event.
We do not need patrol cars at every junction for gawds sake.

If the visiting riders could behave a little better unsupervised, they wouldn't need to be there!

Rather a few friendly policemen sat around waving at the passing bikes than the event being threatened because people get sick of speeding bikers outside of racing.
(This post was last modified: 19-08-2016, 10:14 AM by civ.)
19-08-2016, 10:12 AM
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hilarybull Offline
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RE: TT Blues. Wednesday ITV4
(06-08-2016, 06:53 AM)eman1948 Wrote: I have been to the island many times and I`ll be honest and think the Police do a good job handling the in flux of fans . Police on the main land could learn a great deal from them. I think they could be a lot tougher than what they are.
They have thumbs up from me.

I agree, as a visitor found the police to be doing a great job - it's not easy to manage the balance between laying the law down and letting things go.  Give them a break.
19-08-2016, 01:24 PM
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