The fuTTure?

The fuTTure?
Quote from Manx Radio newspage: "The Chamber of Commerce Tourism Committee has come forward with its thoughts on the future of Tourism in the Island.
Its quite radical, with a " holistic approach" suggested to bring in the whole Isle of Man, to develop the sector.
But one particularly radical suggestion has been withdrawn."
Anyone guess what the radical suggestion was?
To abandon the TT! More news on this on the Manx Radio website. <A HREF=""></A>
12-01-2004, 09:56 AM

Re: The fuTTure?
They will never get through with that. Many of the lokal manx people love and fully support the TT. The islands nature is very beautiful. But I would never spend the amount of money for ferry crossings just for the views. I can see sim. views in Scottland or wales. And if I wanted to see glens etc.... ireland is more of an atraction for continentals....
They are really trying to cut their own throat here!!!
12-01-2004, 11:36 AM

Re: The fuTTure?
Is it the locals or is it the comeover lot ??
12-01-2004, 01:51 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Whoever is trying to stop the TT is cutting their own throat. I don't think people know where the Isle of Man is over here on the continent. What has the island to offer to the streams of Tourists? London has the Tower,Devon the Cream teas, Scottland the Whiskey, Ireland the Guinness, And what does the island got to offer?
Don't get me wrong, I love the island, countryside and its people. But i do so because of a large event like the TT that invites people to come over.
12-01-2004, 02:16 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Well all the IOM has to offer is a cheap tax rate for all these big tax dodging companys.
They have also sent property prices sky high,
Oh and the TT makes them late home for dinner, and that is why it will get stopped.
12-01-2004, 05:32 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Sure thing Hans; the IOM is a nice wee island, but we have loads of them here in Scotland, much nearer and cheaper to visit.

The TT IS the Isle of Man; World-Wide IOM fame came from the TT and nothing elese compares.

Any suggestion of losing the TT is crackers from a purely monetary view, but from a romantic bike fan's view, a criminal act of lunacy!!

I think they should EXPAND the TT with peripheral motorcycle events- make it a festival worth attending, then the visitors would flock in.
I know this has been suggested many time in the past, and poo-pood.

EXAMPLE; who would have thought Disneyland Paris would have been built, even thirty years ago? Look at the kind of succcess you can have.
12-01-2004, 05:53 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
I love islands, but I have never been to Jersey, Guernsey, the Isle of Wight...I went to Orkney cos I lived near there, I go to the Scottish Islands for the same reason...I go to the Isle of Man, because I first went for the TT.
Now I love the place, but I would never have dreamt of going to the kind of touristy place it was when I first visited (Blackpool on an Island)except for the romance of the TT.
Just a it really Blackpool on speed...oooooh, sorry, I'll go now...
12-01-2004, 07:21 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
I listened to the Moaning Line this morning and what a load of Rubbish they talked about dropping the TT and getting the Tourists back at what seems like any cost. The only reason Tourism has Died on the Island is the Expence it is to get here. Give the Steampacket some competition the You might see a little rise in Tourism. If anything is to kill the TT in Time it will be the Cost for Spectators and Riders A like to get here.I went to America last Year and it cost me less to Fly from Dublin to Chicago than it would to Fly to Gatwick from Ronaldsway. The Irish Sea is the most Expencive expance of Water in the Whole of Europe. The TT is part of the Islands Heritage what would the Islands Residance say if the called for Tynwald Hill to Be Torn down. When People across the World hear the Isle Of Man being mentioned their first Thought is The TT Races and The Island is Known World Wide because of It. Long live The Oldest and Greatest Road Race the TT.............
12-01-2004, 09:11 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
I myself have been visiting the IOM for 40 yrs+ and in the last couple of years i have met the anti-race brigade and its obvious they are the come-overs,in fact one of them said 'the TT is the greatest free show on earth' free ?
12-01-2004, 09:17 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Just as a matter of interest where do they propose to put all these self respecting "tourist" would put up with the conditions in some guest houses, or be prepared to camp in a sewage swamp, so that means about 1000 max could come.
Talk about killing the goose that laid the golden egg..
12-01-2004, 09:32 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Shall we queue up for 2 hours to get on a ferry that takes 3 or 4 hours and is invariably late and pay an arm and a leg for the privelege and lose the other arm and leg paying for a half decent hotel and hope that the weather is quarter decent for 2 weeks?
Or shall we fly to Spain in a couple of hours for half the price?
13-01-2004, 12:33 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
13-01-2004, 12:47 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
exactly my point. Three years ago we went to the GP in Barcelona. two weeks of beautiful sunshine,great biking fantastic roads, great racing, nice campsite. 1/3 less of the cost.
13-01-2004, 02:27 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
I think that "They" could develop the tourist industry and facilities around the TT and MGP.
The TT and MGP could still be special features within the whole complex of tourism. Don't forget that the school holidays come in between our two main events so they will not interfer with the peak period. I remember getting special permission from his school to take my son, then 13 years old, to the 1992 TT. Did a lot for my "Street Cred" with his school mates at the time. "Cor, Duncan's Dad took him to the TT!"

Improved general tourism facilities on The Island would benefit everybody by smoothing out the peak times and (maybe)reducing costs during TT and MGP weeks.

I have seen similar scenarios in the little village in Hampshire, where I was born. The introduction of the M3 motorway took away most of the through traffic and passing trade. The village soon was invaded by "rich" people seeking a nice quiet little country village. Property prices shot up, three pubs closed down to become antiques shops, etc., now I could not afford to move back and my "noisy, dirty motorbikes" would be most unwelcome in "their" village.
13-01-2004, 04:56 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Lets face it there will be no return to tourism of the old days while the Steam Packet has the monopoly.

14-01-2004, 12:45 PM

Re: The fuTTure?
Well, they got rid of the ACU!!!!!!
15-01-2004, 10:50 AM

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