Klaus Klaffenboch for this years TT ?

Klaus Klaffenboch for this years TT ?
I have just been reading on another forum that Klaus Klaffenboch is apparently to enter this years TT. If this is true it is fabulous news for sidecar fans !
03-04-2004, 09:16 AM

Re: Klaus Klaffenboch for this years TT ?
Sure is...can't wait...only 8 weeks...
03-04-2004, 09:49 AM

Re: Klaus Klaffenboch for this years TT ?
Not at all surprised, Klaus told me at Mallory Park a couple of years ago that after the GP's he intended to do the TT before he retires, i hope the retirement is not imminent. Good luck Klaus i hope you do.
03-04-2004, 07:31 PM

Klaus Klaffenboch and other special Ks contest
Brilliant news, maybe we should start a special KK fan Klub?..........no , hang on, might not look good......

So anyway, how many sidecar racers of note had surnames starting in K?

Wolfgang Kalauch is one I admire...any more?

But seriously, it will be great to see him (KK)tearing around? Great for the TT Too.
04-04-2004, 09:41 AM

Wolfgang Kalauch, superstar
Wolfgang is my absolute hero. Wish I could have been as good a passenger as him. He made it an art form. (Often in the company of a character known as "Sideways Sid"....)
04-04-2004, 10:41 AM

Re: Klaus Klaffenboch and other special Ks contest
Here's a few sidecar drivers with surnames beginning with K, there's quite a few - Yoshi Kumagaya, Masato Kumano, Otto Kolle, Rudi Kurth, Gary Knight, Keiron Kavanagh, Reiner Koster, Pete Krukowski, Dave Kimberley, Andy Kinsella
04-04-2004, 12:53 PM

Re: Klaus Klaffenboch and other special Ks contest
Korr Blimey! This kan make you the klear winner so phar Phil old bean! Kan you Klaim any more?
04-04-2004, 12:59 PM

Re: Klaus Klaffenboch and other special Ks contest
Hi all fantastic news about Klaffenboch doing the TT , the donkey work was done by Adrian Earnshaw of the Hailwood Foundation who contacted Klaus , i see Adrain every saturday in our local the Manx Arms & he had all but given up on Klaffenboch , therefore it was a surprise to see him entered . i also know that Jorg Stienhausen has been contacted about riding , he said this year he was devoting all his energies into winning the world superside , however he expressed an interest in riding next year possibly . This could be a positive in the TT as against all the negatives we have been hit with recently , it will also be something for our German friends to support at the TT , it has been a conscern recently that the number of German visitors is dropping off , lets face it they have not really had anyone to support for a number of years , since the great Klaus Klien I think , they are also great supporters of the sidecar class .
04-04-2004, 10:58 PM

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