Family trees

Family trees
I'm sure you don't need warning about this scam but I thought it was funny, and relative.
I recieved an e-mail from a Mr. Segun Agbaje in Nigeria, who claims that I am one of the heirs to the fortune of a long lost relative of mine who was killed in a car accident with his wife and kids, leaving no known relatives.
The fortune was 25.54 million dollars and I should contact him to stake my claim.
The name of this long lost relative???

Mr. Slan Bookcase.............Hmmm.
12-04-2004, 06:47 PM

Re: Family trees
Oh, Billy, my good friend, that you are a multi-million/billionaire...I would like to tell you about my penury, and the good use to which I could put just 1 of your lovely millions. Please just email me your pin number and your account details and I will ensure that these funds are put to the best possible use.
Beer...trip to TT, hmmmm, now what else was there....
12-04-2004, 07:26 PM

Re: Family trees
Billy, are you sure the contact was not from a Mr. "SEAGOON" as the Scam sounds like the basis of a script for ome of the old Goon Shows?
Chris (Famous Eccles) Maybury
13-04-2004, 07:09 AM

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