Guy Martin at the TT?

Guy Martin at the TT?
Does anyone know if Guy Martin will , be at the TT this year or is he going in the MGP later on , i think he was entering the MGP last year only to withdraw through injury.
I for one hope he does go in the TT , cos in my humble opinion he would set it alight.
04-02-2004, 10:17 AM

Re: Guy Martin at the TT?
I asked Guy that very question when he was in the RealRoadRacing chat room a couple of weeks back. He didn't give a straight answer - but reading between the lines, I suspect he may well be doing both (TT Production and MGP).
04-02-2004, 09:41 PM

Re: Guy Martin at the TT?
I hope that he does , cos me thinks he would give the top men a real fright.
05-02-2004, 02:54 PM

Re: Guy Martin at the TT?
Don't expect too much of him in his first year on the circuit. He's a hell of a talent and has made an exceptional start to his road racing career - but the TT Course is a different animal to any other circuit he has raced on. In the words of none other than Joey Dunlop 'anyone who comes here first has to take it easy and take a beating - that's the way I did it at the start'. I think Guy's target of a 120mph lap this year is far too ambitious; he needs first to learn the circuit, be smooth, and then the fast laps will surely follow.
05-02-2004, 11:33 PM

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