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[Image: LCRhdr.jpg]

Cal Crutchlow will ride through the pain barrier at the San Marino Grand Prix this weekend after undergoing further surgery on his right arm. The LCR Honda CASTROL rider initially fractured his scaphoid at the opening round of the season in Jerez, but took the decision to go back under the knife following the last round in Austria after suffering from continued discomfort in the arm.

But the Briton has not healed as hoped in the aftermath of the latest operation and has been back in hospital this week to have fluid drained from the arm. Despite the complications which have left him with an open wound, Crutchlow has been provisionally passed fit to compete in free practice on Friday as the first of two consecutive race weekends at Misano gets underway.

[Image: Crutchlowpreisano.jpg]

Cal Crutchlow

“Yesterday I had the hole stitched up, but when I woke this morning the arm and the hand were very, very swollen because of the pressure from the fluid, so we had to open the stitches again today to let the fluid out and now this hole is open and we’ll continue like that to try and let it naturally heal, whilst being able to get the fluid out. I think having the operation after Austria was the right decision with Lucio and Alberto Puig, we decided to get it done and I had no problem. But now it seems that we have the problem of the arm not healing in the way that we thought it should, although there might not be enough time. We’ll see how tomorrow morning goes, but I look forward to riding at the Misano circuit, I’m optimistic with the new asphalt and the bike and we’ll see if it’s possible to do a good job this weekend.”

11-09-2020, 12:20 PM
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