Mike Hailwood Memorial Run tomorrow

Mike Hailwood Memorial Run tomorrow
This is a busy time of year, but, I hope you will remember THE MIKE HAILWOOD MEMORIAL RUN this
Sunday from Bracebridge Street, Aston. (11.15am)

March 21st 1981 was the date of the traffic accident which took the lives of Mike's young daughter, Michelle, at the scene and Mike himself two days later - a very sad anniversary.

The Memorial Run is organized by volunteers who put a tremendous amount of work into it. Let's help them to have a good turnout.

Please help spread the word.

For more information please go to this website:
<A HREF="http://www.geocities.com/bhamtestersrun">www.geocities.com/bhamtestersrun</A>
19-03-2005, 09:55 PM

Follow-up - Mike Hailwood Memorial Run tomorrow
Yesterday's Mike Hailwood Memorial run had the best turnout yet - over 150 people. Thanks to everyone who participated, helped spread the word or supported this effort in any way.
It was an all volunteer effort - all done out of love of the sport and admiration for one of the great ones. Harry
21-03-2005, 04:06 PM

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