Tony McAlpine

Tony McAlpine
Former TT rider, Australian Tony McAlpine, who rode as a privateer with Harry Hinton and Ken Kavanagh, died in Queensland on September 26th aged 84.

Tony began his racing career at 16 on long dirt tracks and by 17 was becoming one of the most exciting riders in Australia. He had limited success with speedway but represented Australia three times at the Isle of Man.
12-10-2005, 10:09 PM

Re: Tony McAlpine
Oh what a shame, we are sorry to hear of his passing on.

We have a nice photograph of Tony from the 50's - 60's with him wearing an "Australian Hat" (without the corks) at the TT weigh in (we think 1956-57). We must find it in the collection !

That group of Australians were a happy bunch.
13-10-2005, 02:08 PM

Re: Tony McAlpine
Ian, if you could locate that pic I would be very happy if you could e-mail it to me for Tony's son Ashley. In fact, if there's anyone who has old photos of Tony I would be delighted to receive them as Tony's son doesn't have any photos at all.
Thanks in anticipation.
14-10-2005, 10:19 PM

Re: Tony McAlpine
We will look through TTFANS "Vast Collection" over next week, I know we have it in the files somewhere.

We will scan it and send it to you.

15-10-2005, 08:34 AM

Re: Tony McAlpine Photo
After going through a great big pile of photos and memorabilia, we found it !! It was taken more than 50 years ago so the quality is not 100%........

From the note on the back of the photo it was actually taken in 1953 when Tony set off with the No.1 plate.

You can see what I meant by the Oz hat !!

I trust that, even though this pic is 52 years old, it will bring back memories.

In finding Tonys pic I have now found a lot more bits and pieces from 1953 about which I had forgotten.

Best wishes


How much would a Didgeridoo cost ??
15-10-2005, 08:06 PM

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