Bennets - Are you on the Mountain on Mad Sunday ??
Malcolm Offline

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Bennets - Are you on the Mountain on Mad Sunday ??
If you are proposing to ride over the mountain circuit on Mad Sunday, be aware that you may well not be insured.

Bennets have apparently made a statement that because the traffic will be one way, they are treating it as a race track and therefore if you are not insured for racing, you will not be insured on that section of road.

Apparently, other insurers are considering the same action.

Mind, if this is only for Mad Sunday, will it not apply for the rest of the time that the road is one way only ????

Will this also apply to car drivers ??

Will the police prosecute ANYONE who is not insured for racing, if they are pulled when driving on the one way system over the mountain ??

What happens next !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As the major sponsor, is this not a case of shooting oneself in the foot ??
09-05-2007, 05:07 PM
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Mal I phoned my insurance today in the UK and was asked the following.
What is Mad Sunday.
Where is it held
Are there speed limits in place.

I was then told that I may have a problem with my insurance if I used this TRACK>

I have now learned that Legal action may be taken out against a newspaper over this story untill the matter is cleared up.
09-05-2007, 07:17 PM

I tried looking on the Internet for the statement, but I can't find it... has the paper made this up, and opened a hornet's nest?
09-05-2007, 07:28 PM
MV Offline
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Am I the only one who finds this funny in a sick way??

I have felt for sometime that the IOM authorities were pushing their luck by encouraging irresponsible riding.
Can you hear pigeons...... roosting?

09-05-2007, 08:12 PM
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I really don't think they are encouraging irresponsible riding. They work very hard with their safety campaigns etc, and the one-way system is an attempt to contain the situation.
The culprits are arrogant prats who come across here thinking they can behave in ways they know they would not get away with at home. The new prison may be busy!
They are encouraged by irresponsible reporting and the "wheelie" mentality of MCN.
09-05-2007, 08:46 PM
MV Offline
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...and the Daily Mail!

I agree with all you say but fear that the Isle of Man are playing into their hands.
Anyway, I now see that it is a dastardly MCN plot.
What on earth motivates them.....??!!

09-05-2007, 09:21 PM
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Hilary M Offline
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People who buy that S***E!!! Otherwise,they would have nobody to play :roll: to
09-05-2007, 11:09 PM
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veefour Offline

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Me'thinks a certain editor will soon be looking for a new job !!
Maybe the Daily Sport or News of the S****s might suit.
Grey-haired riders don't get that way from pure luck.
10-05-2007, 07:37 PM
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The Bag Offline
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Does this mean that riders are uninsured for ALL ONE WAY ROADS ? If not then I reckon in this sill age we live in any rider who is classed as uninsured would have a case in the human rights court, afterall just becasue it is made one way does not mean all people using that road are 'racing' or even speeding or riding in a dangerous manner. It is a civil right to travel that secvtion of road which IS still a public highway. I guess the way to sort this one out is to take a race bike onto it on mad sunday with no number plate, no insurance, no mot, no lights etc. If the police deem this as illegal then it IS still a public highway. I'd rind Douglas police as they are the ones who'll decide if it is a race track or not?
Meanwhile back on planet earth..........
10-05-2007, 07:54 PM
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Thought you guys should see this :-
When people say one thing and mean another its called politics, when organisers say one thing and mean another its called a mistake, when the ACU say one thing and mean another its called information.
10-05-2007, 08:13 PM
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charlie hulse Offline
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There seem to be a few people on who were told by Norwich Union and Bennetts they definately would NOT be covered on the one way section between Ramsey Hairpin and the Creg'

It has all been sorted now and the insurance companies have 'back pedalled'...."as long as you are riding normally, not racing or time trialling"

....but 'they' have dipped their corporate toes in the water....How long before they introduce 'excess's' for the Isle of Man ?

From iomonline....

TT insurance fears resolved

Bikers planning their TT Centenary visit are breathing a sigh of relief after major insurers confirmed they would be covered to ride on the Mountain Road.

It follows uncertainty sparked by a story in this week's MCN, which claimed Bennetts and Norwich Union would not provide cover between Ramsey Hairpin and Creg-ny-Baa because it would be one-way throughout the fortnight and parts will be coned off.

This, claimed MCN, meant insurance companies were seeing it as an 'altered road' and so treating it like a race track.

Karen Milsom, Bennetts' communications manager, was quoted in MCN as saying: 'I'm afraid we won't be offering cover because the road is closed to oncoming traffic and is treated in the same way as a race track.

'We'd advise all bikers to get in touch with their insurance provider to make sure they're covered.'

Norwich Union's Erik Nelson said: 'We will not be providing cover, not just because of the alterations to the road but because of how people will be using it.'

But the stance changed after the insurers looked further into the issue and realised there wasn't a problem after all.

Mr Nelson said: 'There was some confusion at our end but I have double checked with the underwriters. As long as you are not racing then you are covered.'

A statement from Bennetts said: 'Following concerns raised in the media, we are happy to confirm that Bennetts is able to provide cover for all its customers for the duration of the Isle of Man TT.'
Youth is wasted on the under forties !
11-05-2007, 08:56 PM
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