Honda's Motorsport Challenge, Which Began With The Isle of Man TT Race Declaration
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Honda's Motorsport Challenge, Which Began With The Isle of Man TT Race Declaration
[Image: hondahistory1.gif]

“My childhood dream was to be a motorsport World Champion with a machine built by myself. However, before this dream could be achieved, it was obvious that a stable enterprise with the finest precision equipment, and an excellent level of in-house design was needed. These three requirements prompted me to market a utility machine to give us the necessary foundation on which to build, and it’s ironic that the time spent on this side of the business has kept me away from racing. From results witnessed at the San Paulo races, and looking calmly at what is happening in other areas of the globe, we now know what is needed to compete with the Western world.

Progress has been rapid, it has to be said, but I am still convinced that by following my long-standing concepts, we can win on the tracks, and I will not rest until we do. Everything is in place, and the time has come to challenge the West. I hereby avow my definite intention to participate in the TT races, and I proclaim with my fellow employees that I will pour in all of my energy and creative powers to win.”

This is a shortened version of the message Soichiro Honda, then President of Honda, sent out to his workers on 20 March 1954. At that time, a victory in the World GP series was unimaginable for the majority of Japanese, but Honda did not flinch. He had set himself this noble target, and by issuing the written declaration, allowed his enthusiastic staff to become part of his long-held dream.

To read more about the history of Honda and how it all started off with their involvement at the TT, then click on the link to their home site - HERE
Be right back. I am going to go find myself, and if I leave before I get back, make sure to tell me !! -
22-10-2009, 07:45 PM
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