The daughter of succesful 70's rider Tommy Miller,
Ross has been entranced by the sounds and smells of motorcycling, from the
"I missed a total of three meetings in Scotland up until I was 19.
The first was the day I was born, the second was when my mum's kitchen caught
fire and the third was when I gave birth to my eldest son Grant.
earliest memory is watching the guys roar past and thinking " Wow, I'm going to
do that when I'm big". |
The Background on Lisa
Ross |
Lisa has been kind enough to
talk to us here at TTwebsite about her career ups and downs, and we are only
too pleased to bring all of this to all of you out there, to show you just how
dedicated and committed she really is.
My dad
Tommy Miller was a club racer in the 60's and 70's and always took me and my
little sister Angie along to the racing. when he retired from racing, he went
back and joined KDMC (Kirkcaldy and District Motor Club) to work behind the
scenes, to put something back into the sport he loved so much.
being brought up with the racing from such and early age, it was natural for me
to join KDMC and I did every job from Assistant Race Secretary, Scruitineer,
and marshal to SACU steward.
After the sudden passing away of my mother
Carol in '95 at the age of forty four, (Who incidentally was the Scotland team
manager for the Celtic match races and an SACU steward and FIM steward.) I
realised that life was just far too short. So my husband and I (and our two
son's Grant and Iain) put our house up for sale and spent the proceeds on an
RS125 Honda.
With the support of my late friend and ex G.P. star Donny
Robinson from Northern Ireland, I took the boy's on at their own game and was
undefeated at Knockhill in the '98 season. I finished third in the Mellville
club championship the same year.
Unfortunately I had a very bad
accident while practising for the '99 season which left me out for the whole of
that year. And because of the bad publicity that my accident caused, I lost a
majority of my sponsors, it showed me that it was ok for companies to be
associated with a woman in racing while she's getting good press, so long as
she didn't fall off!
Also the
death of my mentor and friend Donny at the North West 200 on the 13th of May
'99, almost made me quit the sport for good, but I realised that Don would not
have wanted me to pack it all in, so with the support of his family and my
family, In the October of '99 I bought Paul Robinson's Supercup winning bike
for the assault on the 2000 championship, but unfortunately I was not granted
my licence until July of that year so the year was finished before it began

I only raced in three events and
had very little practice to get used to the new bike, but I enjoyed the season.
It was nice to be back. I also have had a tremendous support from Paul Robinson
and his Mechanics Davy, Raymond and Johnny, I think that without their help and
support this year I would have retired for good. But seeing their level of
commitment and professionalism after the death of Joey, Paul's uncle, it made
me re-think what was going on and made me more determined to get my finger out
and keep going.
I am hoping to compete in the Clubmans series in
Northern Ireland this year to gain as much experience as I can, so I can come
back to Scotland and really give the lads a run for their money.
Return To Rider Profile Index |
Recently, I received an anonymous letter telling me I
was a totally irresponsible parent. But guys who are dads ride, so why
shouldn't a mum ? It's the finances - or lack of them, that keep me awake
at night. It cost me about £8,000 a season and we are down to our last
few quid.
Most companies are run by blokes, so it's really difficult to
find a sponsor. The attitude seems to be "Oh, go away girlie, and get back into
the kitchen".
As a wife and mother, Lisa Ross can cook and clean with
the best of them, she can also ride a motorbike like the devil
himself. |