The Cat Jenkins
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IoM S100 1990
just after winning the F2 2nd leg with Alan Warner, a very happy bunny. Seem to
remember that the chair side of the fairing was somewhat stove-in as a result
of a little dink at Cross-4 Ways, it was a fairly helter-skelter outing - S100
is great on a F2 because it's really bumpy and coming into several of the sharp
righthanders you have a little left immediately before, so you end up flinging
yourself about a bit (well I did that day anyway...). As you come into these
sharp rights over the bumps and the brakes are on you can hear the tyres making
this unmistakeable high-pitched sound, it's as if they're kissing the ground as
they bounce into the corner. Oh, OK call me wierd...
IoM TT. The 99
-point-piggin'-9mph lap.Pooh.Still got to crack the 100.
With Steve Judkins, IoM TT in 1989; we didn't finish
this year - in fact in the 2nd leg we managed to demolish part of Governor's
Bridge, talk about clumsy...
'nuther fine shot of my rear end (at one time my best
feature and still so, some say!) - with Steve Featherstone, IoM S100 in 1990.
Sadly we didn't finish in either leg of the F1 class....but there was a happy
ending (for me anyway) with a win in the F2 2nd leg with Alan
Warner |